On Thu Jan 24 2013 Sriram Karra wrote:
> The function bbdb-divide-name uses substring to extract the first
> and last names.

Note that this code uses both substring and match-string.  And the
latter uses substring, too (not substring-no-properties).  So it
really does not make sense to try to rely on functions like 
bbdb-divide-name to make sure that text properties do not propagate
into the database.  I guess this must have been a basic design
decision for GNU Emacs years ago: By default GNU Emacs could either
always propagate text properties, unless one explicitly uses a
function such as substring-no-properties.  Or by default these
functions would not propagate text properties.  The design decision
was made in the former way, I believe for good reason.  Otherwise,
each function like match-string would require a second variant
match-string-with-properties. Basic built-in functions like concat
copy the text properties of their args, too.

Yet this implies that you need to be careful when grabbing a text
string: do you want to grab it with its text properties or without

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