Barbara said, (snip) "Now if we could have those amongst us stop stripmining
our spirits...)

Right on sis! Though I suspect no one can actually do that without one's
consent. but it would be nice if they'd stop trying, eh?

L & L (as Markess always says)

PS: I thought that a rather odd response from Gil to Barbara's words of
baptism. We are after all, as Barbara says, all connected through millenia
of lifetimes, all are connected. If you don't buy that in the realm of
spirit, then try looking at physics. We are one planet, one water, one air,
one earth.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Aurora Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: Dreamtime

Hi Gil:
Not strip mining anyone or anything here, in fact, adding to the great
circle of life if you hadn't already noticed.
What was meant by "bringing the ancestral inheritance forward and baptizing
ourselves with it " is through the water element, breath and sound we can
reclaim and honour all the wisdom of our lineage(beginning in the ocean) and
have our decisions come from that wealth that is available to us would we
just get a little more lateral , wave like, and sensitive to the chaos that
is our only true birthright.
Now are you a cosmic citizen Gil? I consider myself one, and the children
and the mothers and the fathers and on through the descendents and
Now if we could have those amongst us stop stripmining our spirits...
Many Blessings,
Aurora Farm is the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gil Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: Dreamtime

>Hi! Barbara and Woody
>You wrote "And , well, we can't go back but we can bring that ancestral
>inheritance forward and baptize ourselves with it."
>We as non Aboriginals should not try and strip mine their culture or any
>else's for that matter.
>What does happen at times, is that those who still carry the stories,
>share some of them with a few of us. They teach that to know the story is
>become part of it. This includes the obligation to protect the story and
>related sites. Insight into these matters gives a new understanding of the
>landscape and that which moves within it.

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