Hi all:

For years in Oz I have been a storyteller to young children, and have come
across many Koori (Aboriginals of Australia) Stories.  To put it in
different words but with the same meaning as Gil's message, to know and
understand this culture is to know that the stories are not ours.  As much
as these stories stir deep within me, they are not mine to tell.

There has been a long drawn out struggle by the Aboriginals of this country
to obtain the rights to their work.  For example every other artist was
covered by copyright, but not the Aboriginals of Australia.  You do not hear
much of this, and I am unaware if they are still fighting for such rights.

Having lived equal amounts of time in Australia and Canada, there is
something I notice about these societies, perhaps it is their youngness, or
how they came about, but they seem to be lacking in their own beliefs and
cling to many others that are unearthed.  It is a gift for us all to learn
of these beliefs and ways, and they do feel very much like forgotten
treasures that have been found.  Even with this, to understand that they are
not ours to tell, is to give the respect their culture deserves.

Bidding all a wonderful day or evening, as the mists rise from the valleys
full of light and essence to a beautiful new day.

Love and Light

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