jsherry wrote: Snip PS: I thought that a rather odd response from Gil to
Barbara's words of baptism. We are after all, as Barbara says, all connected
through millenia of lifetimes, all are connected. Snip

Are we all connected? I know people who believe they cam from Sirius B, others
Orion and still others from many other spots in the far off distance. Barbara
seems to have come from the sea. I know a man who believes he had many lives as
a dog. I frankly do not know where I came from. I actually not not worry much
about it either. I am more interested in how I will live the day and what I will
do tomorrow. If we are all connected, what does it mean? Can I come over and
take the compost you have just finished making? Must I share my collection of
Mad Magazines? If we are all one, can I morally charge you for goods or


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