>From the East End of Long Island, The Green Thumb Farm, farmed since 1642.
The Day before the  last full Moon I sprayed about 100 acres with my Barrel 
Compost (with500-508), BD#500 (horn humus), and BD#508 [equisetum].  It was a 
balmy nite, fixing to rain.  Three days later I go to pick some turnips that 
had over wintered for the cows to eat.  The soil has a beautiful crumb 
structure, there are earthworms living amongst the root hairs of the turnips 
and you can see the miles of white filaments of beneficial soil fungus that 
Dr. Elaine Ingham speaks about.  As I write this I am eating a slice of 
turnip that two months ago was the size of my fist and now is the size of a 
volleyball!!!  About 1% of the three four-hundred foot rows has frost damage, 
the rest continues to put on beautiful growth.  The flesh is firm and tastey, 
like chestnuts.
I believe the farm has reached the self contained individuality that Steiner 
speaks of.  With a breeding pair of Scottish Highlander Cattle I have made 
enough barrel compost to treat about five thousand acres.  I now have the 
sheath material to make all the compost remedies this season.  Sunday we had 
about two inches of rain.  On tuesday afternoon you could walk out in the 
fields and not have your boots sucked off your feet by the mud, so well 
drained are the fields from the BD remedies.  Somme day this week I will 
spray the horn Quartz remedy and complete the sequence of sprays.  SStorch

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