Dear Merla,

Isn't there a whole community helping you with this project? Would you be
spraying from a truck?

National Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides, 541-344-5044 (NCAP) in
Oregon would be an excellent resource to refer you  to already existing
naturally managed roadside projects. What I have found with grant writing,
etc is that people love 'models'. If you could hold up some succseful models
of other naturally managed roadsides, I feel this would help gain support
for your cause, and also give you a little guidance and structure to what
you are trying to accomplish. No sense in reinventing the wheel. And then
you take it one step further by using the BD sprays. So don't give up on
using the sprays, but that little 8 mile eco system is probably way out of
wack , and most likely needs some organic matter. The rye and oats that you
mentioned will certainly contribute to that through their root systems,
while also building soil structure. An ideal cover would have at least 5
different varieties, and you should consider at least incorporating one
nitrogen fixining legume. Some kind of clover, would really be important in
this situation. I could talk to my husband, if you really wanted some
suggestion of what kind of clover, etc...(he is really into cover crops) I'm
not sure, maybe planting the roadside in a diversified cover with rye and
oats, plus Pfeiffer spray would be plenty with out additional compost.

Are there any organic farmers in your area? That would be some one else to
turn to for advice on developing a suitable cover and building the soil up.


----- Original Message -----
From: D & S Chamberlain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2002 5:50 AM
Subject: Re: Official BD in Brazil

> Merla: I think you are getting in over your head.
> Anyone: Isn't there someone with US experience who can advise on this? 8
> miles of road is a large area and could cover a lot of different soils and
> weeds, this has the potential of being very embarrassing for Merla and not
> good for BD.
> David C

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