Note: This is serious stuff and California seems to be leading the way.
Oppose New Legislative Threat to Health and Democracy!
Calling activists to rally their opposition to the Emergency Health Powers
(In California- Bill 1763) in Sacramento at the Capitol steps at 10:00 a.m.
March 21, 2002
We will rally, have a press conference, and then visit our legislators’
staff from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m..

The California Bill, based upon Model Health Emergency Health Powers Act,
would allow the governor to declare a "public health emergency", and without
consulting with public health authorities, law enforcement, the legislature
or courts, to:

· Require any individual to be vaccinated. Refusal constitutes a crime and
will result in quarantine.

· Require any individual to undergo specific medical treatment. Refusal
constitutes a crime and will result in quarantine.

· Seize any property, including real estate, food, medicine, fuel or
clothing, an official thinks necessary to handle the emergency.

· Seize and destroy any property alleged to be hazardous. There will be no
compensation or recourse.

· Draft you or your business into state service.

· Impose rationing, price controls, quotas and transportation controls.

· Suspend any state law, regulation or rule that is thought to interfere
with handling the declared emergency.

         Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson is urging all
State legislatures to adopt the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act. HHS
will tie passage of the Act to billions of dollars in federal funding: the
usual method of bribery/coercion to get States to pass legislation that
would otherwise never be considered.

         In California on January 8, 2002, Assembly Member Richman
introduced Bill 1763 Emergency Health Powers Act. This may serve the Bush
Administration’s aims, but bodes ominously for democracy.

         The Patriot Bill, the Anti-Terrorism Bill, the Homeland Security
Act were not written in the wake of September 11,th but in anticipation of a
terrorist attack in the US. A violent military response “guaranteed 100%”
that the U.S. would be the subject of “future terrorist” attacks, the
government and the media assured us. The anthrax scare proved the
predictions true, but unfortunately for the hawks in the Pentagon, they were
unable to place the blame on Iraq (which they dearly wished to attack).
Elements within the military intellegence community were most likely
responsible for the anthrax attacks on Democrats and the media.

         The Center for Law and the Public Health was convened on Oct. 5th
to draft legislation to respond to the bioterrorism threat. (The Center for
Law and Public Health is run jointly by Georgetown University Law School and
Johns Hopkins Medical School, and was founded under the auspices of the
Center for Disease Control (CDC). CLPH was formed one month prior to the
2000 Presidential election.) A revised version was released on Dec. 21
containing more specific definitions of "public health emergency" as it
pertains to bioterrorism and biologic agents, and includes language for
those states that want to use the act for chemical, nuclear or natural

         As the Administration rattles its nuclear saber, bombs innocent
civilians, flagrantly violates International Law, shreds the Constitution,
veils itself in secrecy, admits the existence of an underground shadow
government to Congress, imprisons hundreds of innocent people because of
their ethnic background, blocks real inquiries into 9-11, while using “that
crime” to justify an endless war that enriches corporate elites, the
military, the oil companies, drug traffickers, more revelations of its shady
relationship with Enron, Bin Laden, (not to mention a rigged election in
Florida) are emerging. Doubts surface about whose interests will be served
by the Model Emergency Health Powers Act. While condemning and pursuing the
Al Qaeda network where convenient, the National Post reported Friday that

“Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terrorist network has been active in the Balkans
for years, most recently helping Kosovo rebels battle for independence from
Serbia with the financial and military backing of the United States and
         Just who benefits the most from terrorist attacks? Civilians or the
Military Industrial Complex and the Mulit-National Corporations so bent on
dismantling on the democratic process and national sovereignty? And who
would benefit the most if another “bioterrorist attack” occurred in the US?
Why are the media and the US government trying to scare the US public and
discourage Congressional investigations into 9-11 and Enron?

         Microbiologists around the world have been dying under suspicious
circumstances in the past several months. On November 12, 2001 DynCorp
announced that its subsidiary, DynPort Vaccine, had been awarded a $322
million contract to develop, produce, test, and store FDA licensed vaccines
for use by the Defense Department. DynCorp has been involved in criminal
activities and its former chairman was until recently, Herbert Pug Winokur,
who was the recent Chairman of the Enron Finance Committee. (Details on this
subject can be found at Mike Ruppert’s website, in his article “A Career in
Microbiology Can be Hazardous to Your Health” at

         It is hypocritical to “Wage War on Terrorism” while one is funding,
training, and engaging in Terrorist acts at home and abroad.

         Contact your public officials and the media on this critical issue,
join us in Sacramento, California on Thursday, March 21, 2002 to make our
voices heard, and to meet with our representatives and their staffs. Contact
Carol Brouillet at [EMAIL PROTECTED] to be part of our delegation, to
support our action and to endorse your opposition to California’s proposed
Emergency Health Powers Act.

More Background on Emergency Health Powers Act (MEHPA).

        California's Emergency Health Powers Act, AB 1763, as introduced
1/8/02, follows the national model (MEHPA) fairly closely.

         We would strongly prefer that this legislation (state Emergency
Health Powers Acts) be defeated, especially in states like California, which
already have laws, programs, and experienced agencies in place to deal with
emergencies that could affect public health.

         Some states, such as Texas, have prudently decided to review
current law in order to identify whether anything needs to be changed. In
most cases, passage of laws based on the MEHPA will be overreaching and
intrusive, as well as duplicative and contradictory of current law. However,
outright defeat could prove to be very difficult given some important
factors such as:

the number of very powerful groups which have already endorsed the MEHPA

the political makeup of various legislatures

the complexities of the issues, which most legislators will not understand,
such as interaction with current laws

the general popular concern about doing something regarding terrorism

the millions of federal dollars being made available to the states on
condition of having specified programs in place at the state level

The articles and the documents listed below provide vital background

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