Good noticing Jose
Just what we have been saying here for years.
Saying it is one thing hearing it is another altogether.

Jose Luiz Moreira Garcia wrote:
> I have just spent three days in the Official
> Byodinamics Headquarter in Brazil or Estancia
> Demetria located in Botucatu, Sao Paulo State.
> I went there to take Dr Balzerīs course on Soil Fertility.
> I was totally disappointed with what I saw there.
> Twenty seven years of BD did nothing for their land.
> Dr Balzer said he have found the same situation in
> several farms in Germany and Europe. He said that
> plants cannot be grown with fanatism alone meaning those
> folks that want to nurture their plants with BD preps alone
> without paying any attention to the mineral status of their
> soils. According to him a balance between hearth forces
> with all the minerals and cosmic forces ( with BD preps) has to
> be achieved if you want to have wholesome ag products.
> Any other attempt to grow the plants without paying attention
> to those two forces will result in a product that will lack nutrition
> forces.
> I have noticed in local BD folks an excess of faith in BD preps,
> a lack of knowledge on how soil have to be fertilized and
> an excess preocupation on sustainability. Sustainability is fine
> but if it gets to a point that you starve a poor soil ( In Brazil soils
> are poor by nature - just like in Australia due to its geological age -
> old and eroded soils ) then it is no good. To think that any BD prep
> have the ability to revert a situation like that is what Dr balzer has
> termed as "fanatism".
> I liked very much his work on the cristalization using Copper
> Chloride. You could see precisely that " something out there"
> is really regulating what is going on down here and all those beautifull
> differences between organic, conventional, raw, pausterized ,
> BD products by looking at the cristalization disks.
> I have decided to study this technique in detail from now on.
> It is probably the best way to tap the other side for any mortal
> without any special gift like myself. Dowsing is nice but dowsing
> does not allow you to actually see the differences like cristalization
> with Copper Chloride.
> Jose

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