I give you a practical example.
Those soils are sandy soils with low CEC 
(from 4 to 5). Low levels of Calcium, Phosphate,
Boron, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Sulphate,
low organic matter and therefore low humus content.
Microbial activity does not find an hospitable place
in those soils and therefore microbial activity is
also low. This kind of soil cannot sustain much life.
Twenty seven years of spraying BD preps did not seem to
help very much. Obviously, I do not live there to know if
they are doing the preps correctly or applying them correctly
but the result speaks for themselves. It did not work for them
at all.
I have seen one plot in which the guy have applied as much as
100 metric tons of Basalt Dust per hectare at no avail. That is
equivalent to 1000 Lbs to an acre. Obviously, without microbial
activity rock dust does not work. Transmutation does not seem to
be an accountable factor in a situation like that.
Drawing cosmic forces without having enough earth ( mineral ) forces
did not seem to work.

What else you do not understand ?


> On Thursday, March 7, 2002, at 05:06 PM, Jose Luiz Moreira Garcia wrote:
> >
> > I was totally disappointed with what I saw there.
> > Twenty seven years of BD did nothing for their land.
> This has me curious.
> Were they feeding the soil with green manure crops or in some other way 
> meeting the needs for replenishment of the soil? Were they making 
> compost with the preps?
> > Dr Balzer said he have found the same situation in
> > several farms in Germany and Europe. He said that
> > plants cannot be grown with fanatism alone meaning those
> > folks that want to nurture their plants with BD preps alone
> > without paying any attention to the mineral status of their
> > soils.
> Only using BD preps alone?  I have not heard of this? Hey listmembers, 
> is this common or unusual?
> > I have noticed in local BD folks an excess of faith in BD preps,
> > a lack of knowledge on how soil have to be fertilized and
> > an excess preocupation on sustainability.
> Having faith in BD preps alone is one issue,  preoccupation with 
> sustainability is another issue.   I'm preoccupied with the issue of 
> sustainability : - )
> Does anyone have any understanding of people using preps alone and 
> depending on that to feed the soil? Perhaps I'm not understanding what 
> Jose has written.
> Bonnie York

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