Hi! Wes,
Rate books for American type rates, such as those used on a Hieronymus type instrument, are pretty easily available. Go to <acresusa.com> then to subscriptions and ask for a free copy. (If you are serious about chemical/ non GM farming, you will want to subscribe.) You will find an advert for  Don Mattioda and a course with rates. I have a copy of the course and do not recommend it to the serious user, as it does not use modern instruments and is thus limited to the capacity of the instrument covered. It probably one of the few available mail order for those isolated. Like a number of this sort of thing, they try to be all things to all people, but at least Don stops short of predicting horse races, Lotto and the stock market, which some Radionic "machines" offer. If you believe these latter claims, you deserve to pay into some else's retirement fund. Don is better than many of the producers of this sort of instrument and has actual experience, where some marketing in this area, would seem to lack.

A number of less than perfect "Base Ten" Rate books (Along with many wondrous instruments, some of which make some very interesting claims.) are available from the Copen Laboratory. (hit a Google search) They are copied from other published sources and do not include a lot of the important rates that are in the "Keys College of Radionics" or the "Radionic Association" Rate books, but are sold to any one.

The "Base 44" and "Base Ten" Rate books from Keys and the Radionic Association are only available as part of their three and a half year courses. The Base 44 system is far and away the best system for analysis and the rates and instruments, as far as I understand are only available as part of proper training.

The "Rae" Instruments and cards are freely available from MGA - Magneto Geometric Applications, the address of which is in each of the eighteen or so books you need to read for background material. The fact they are freely available does not mean it is appropriate to use them without training. It is not. The Rae Card based instruments are of very limited use without the Base 44 analysis instrument. They are both Malcolm Rae's work and intended to be used as a whole.

The making of "Rae" Cards requires some knowledge and skill, but more particularly requires the suitable state of mind. The number of people making functional cards is quite small. The potential good/ damage from these cards is of such magnitude to suggest that one should first fully study Radionics before moving on to this.

There are many radionic instruments on the market, but few are constructed in a manner that optimizes the potential. There are a number of subtle features that are unlikely to to be noticed by an instrument maker who is given a "real" instrument to copy. Should you buy an instrument from a marketer, as distinct from as part of a course from a reputable institute, please dowse to see if it is suited to your needs.

You ask about the availability of bulk rates/ cards. Why? Unless you are trained to do the analysis, the cards/ rates are of little use. It is rather like the several happy folk who wonder the world offering instant enlightenment in matters Radionic, in a space of between one and six days. This has resulted in the thousands of dust gathering instruments and rate books. They are rather like some one offering to train a surgeon in a week, by providing a box of instruments, a book on anatomy and a a quick over view of: this is how you make an incision; this how you tie off; this is how you close up. Would you put you life in the hands of some one who trained to be a surgeon in a week? Radionics is a large and complex field and not to be plated with.

Outside very limited areas, such as using Hugh Lovel's Rae Cards for BD and a few complimentary additional cards, it is really important to take detailed and specific training.

If I have not all ready made my point, I would note that many of the leading names in Radionics died young and mainly from cancer. Malcolm Rae and David Tansley among them. A key figure died in September, who I will not name at this stage, at an age and from a cause one would not expect. There is a recognised risk to practitioners who do not know what they are doing, in that it is possible to accept the problem of the client.

In the US, one should contact Little Farm Research, in the UK, Keys or the Radionic Association. In Oz or nearby, talk to me.

Wes Watkins wrote:

Markess (& other BDNOW listers) - After reading your post to Lloyd (Re: Deer disease and BDPreps - 6/10/02), I went to the Little Farm Research websitein search of info about radionic 'rate' books.  Since Ifound no specific mention of a 'rate' book, I wroterequesting such info as they may be able to provide. In the meantime, I'm curious to learn of other sourceswhich might be able to provide rate books, Heironymous(sp ?) instruments, & Malcolm Rae cards.  I've E-maileda similar request to the Radionic Association in England,& was referred to Nick Frankswww.nicko500.co.uk .Again, I have yet to receive a reply. Can you recommend books, &/or websites, that provideinstructions on devising/constructing Rae-type cards  ? Might anyone on this list already possess, or have created,an electronic (floppy/CD) database of rates they/youwould be willing to $ell ?   How about electronic (scanned ?)
Rae Cards ? Are Heironymous instruments being made these days ?If they are still available, what is fair US market $ forone ? Thank you.- Wes *****
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 10:07 PM
Subject: Re: Deer disease and BD Preps


Lloyd ,
The Deer are in truth taking control of their own destiny...
Also do you have two dial rates for the BD preps ?
You pack in every thing %`)>>

BD500  16.75-5.25
501        14-30
502        41.75-92.5
503       15.5-28.75
504        21.25-22.25
505        23-35.5
506        56.25-78.25
508       10.5-19.5
BD Compost starter
15-6.75 and/or 29.25-72
horse tail essence  23.5-4.5
horse tail tea  38-24.25

These are all from Lutie and Katherine Larson at little Farm Research - Their Ag book is a great value...

In Love & Light


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