Title: Re: Rate Books, Heironymous, & Malcolm Rae

I personally recommend that you  consider get the starter kit from LFR.
The videos are excellent. This book is huge & capable. Combined with the Garden Ratebook and the New News letter Ratebook the wold of creation starts to be delveable. I will try & follow this thought in replay to Gil. But the chickens are calling at the moment.


P.S. Katherine is helpful & personable on the phone give her a call.
LIttle Parm Research 993 w. 1800 N., Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 (801) 785-7416

Here are some of the aspects of Radionic from LFR.
Books and Periodicals Published by Little Farm Research

SE-5 Plus Research Workbook This 150 page SE-5 Plus Research Workbook was developed by Little Farm as an additional instruction for the operation of the SE-5 Plus instrument. It has been updated specifically for the SE-5 Plus. This manual is also the "Basic" course workbook. $25.00

SE-5 Experlmental Ratebook This 340 page Ratebook contains US and English format rates for use with the SE-5 or 2 dial instruments. This book is put together in an alphabetical format for easy access. It also contains rates that are listed numedcally to increase understanding of the meaning of rates.  $55.00

LFR Mlni Ratebook This 124 page Ratebook was developed prior to the completion of the SE-5 Experimental Ratebook and is a great companion to the larger book. The Mini Ratebook contains commonly needed rates and affords you the convenience of a quick reference. This is a great book for the beginning researcher.  $16.00

LFR First Aid Ratebook

This 82 page ratebook was developed to
contain rates associated with common first aid
situations. This ratebook was designed as a
quick reference book, especially during times
of need. $10

LFR Emotional/Mental Ratebook
This 40 page ratebook was developed for the researcher who is working with emotional and mental subtle field disorders. Some topics included are Bach Flower rates, Gem and Color rates, as well as rates associated with the nervous system.   $8.00

LFR Gardening Ratebook
This 96 page agricultural ratebook contains rates and technics for the backyard gardener as well as the commercial farmer. Rates covered range from environment, plants, soil, and garden pests.  $16.00

Animal Sourcebook T his ratebook was designed for the animal lover. The researcher will find many animal rates as well as notes and techniques, and charts for scanning. This source book contains specific information on many different animals. $35.00

The Radionic Homestead Journal This journal is a daily account of life and the radionic applications as they occurred to Lutie Larsen. It also contains occasional entries by Kay Asay. This year long diary, from 1986-87, is an excellent way to introduce an interested individual to radionics and show how it can relate to daily life. $10.00

The Radionic Homestead Report The Report is a bi-monthly newsletter published by LFR, which keeps t he researcher up-to-date on current findings in the field of radionics. This newsletter also acts as a researcher's forum for various aspects of radionic research. Cost is per year.
$25.00 USA $30.00 foreign

Report Complations, Vol. 1,2,3,4 and 5 The Radionic Homestead Report Compliation Vol. 1 includes back issues of "The Report" for the years 1988 - 1992. The Report Compilation Vol. 2 for the years 1993 and 1994, Vol. 3 for 1995 and 1996 and Vol. 4 for 1997 and 1998. The most recent back issues of are contained in Vol. 5, which includes the years of 1999 and 2000. Researchers have found this to be a great reference tool to review past research in the field of radionics. Each compilationis availablefor $40.00

Newsletter Ratebook This ratebook is a companion volume to all five compilations of the REPORT. It contains the rates that were published inthe newsletters from 1988 to 2000. The rates listed also refer to the newsletter from which they came. The alphabetical format is similar to the Experimental Ratebook. This book can also be used as an addendum to that rate manual.    S40.00

Other Books

Radionics & Radiesthesia by Jane Hartman

This book was recently updated by Dr. Jane Hartman from her own
research and experiences in the fields of radionics and radiesthesia.
This book is recommended by Little Farm as a basic book for anyone
who is interested in exploring the field of Radionics. $17.00

Regalning Wholeness
by Don Parls
This is a book on the techniques one researcher has learned and
developed for the SE-5. Many pictures and charts enable the reader to
understand what the author is trying to say. This book tells the story of one peron's experiences with learning radionics and its applications. $14.95

.:5 y BioEnergy Rate Manual This ratebook has different rates than are found in the Experimental Ratebook. It is divided by systems for easier access.    $150.00

Informatlve Videos and Audios

Integrated Agrlcultural Workshop Course

This video course is a condensed form of the Little Farm Research annual Garden Intensive which was held at Little Farm, April 7-11 1992. Included, in this comprehensive video course package, are a 95 page workbook, which contains diagrams, notes and handouts which were provided during the class and 10 hours of video showing application and lecture periods. Topics covered in this years course include: seeds, composting, soil, greens, stewardship, animals,
polyculture greenhouse, and aquaculture.    $250.00

Global Sciences "Little Farm Subtle Energy Technics This video contains a lecture given by Lutie Larsen at the Global Sciences Congress. LFR feels that this is a good video for beginning researchers. $20.00

USPA Radionic School '90, '91, '92, '93, '94 Lutie Larsen's lectures are directed toward the beginning researcher. The 1991-1994 tapes are directed more toward the intermediate researcher. Each year will contain different information and the most current research for that year. Specify year when ordering or call our of fice with any questions. $20.00 each

USPA Sustainable Agriculture Lecture During this video, Lutie discusses various sustainable agricultural technics developed and researched by Little Farm. Theory, stewardship, and farming practices are among the topics included as well as Radionics as a monitoring tool in agriculture. $20.00

Suggested Recommendations

For the Beginning Researcher

We find, quite often, that individuals who are new to radionic research don't know where to start. In this section, we are listing our most common recommendations. It is our hope that this list will give beginning researchers or those who are not yet confident with their abilities a place to start.

Most often, we recommend the book by Dr. Jane Hartman entitled, Radionics and Radiesthesia for anyone who is interested in the field of radionics and wants to know more. We have found that this book can build a bridge between where you are with alternative healing methods and how radionics is related. RAdionics and Radiesthesia is available for $17.00

Another book that is quite useful for the radionic researcher is Regaining Wholeness Through the Subtle Diwions by Don Paris. This book indudes the experiences of one researcher as he learned about radionics from various sources and different teachers. He shares his insights with his readers in and effort to show one way radionics can be used. Regaining Wholeness is available for $14.95

When using radionics, it is important to have an instrument to use for the frequency balancing. There is a radionics instrument that is sometimes called the "paper training model." This instrument is called the SE.05 and was developed by the same individual who invented the SE-5 and the SE-5 Plus. The SE.05 is available for $5.00

It is also necessary to have a rate manual so that all frequencies don"t have to be developed prior to use. The most commonly used book for this purpose is the Mini Ratebook. This ratebook contains, in a condensed form, the most commonly used rates for personal health. It is very effective to use with the SE.05 as well as the SE-5 Plus.

Beginnlng Researcher's Kit This is a package that contains a Mini Ratebook, an SE.05 and a choice between Jane Hartman's book Radionics and Radiestesia and Regaining Wholeness by Don Paris. This is a good way to begin research in the field of radionics. This kit is a $40.00 value which we sell for $25.00

File Starter Kit

.. The File Starter Kit contains multiple copies of the most commonly used analysis sheets. Since recording information on analysis sheets is a very r ~ effective way of keeping information in order, we provide this set as a
place to get started with the ones that we use most. This kit sells for


SE.05 Paper Tralnlng Model The SE.05 is a paper model of the SE-5. It is primarily used as a teaching - tool for those not familiar with Radionics and as an introduction to the SE-5 Plus and other radionic insturments. But more advanced researchers use the SE.05 as a backup instrument for the SE-5 or SE-5 Plus. $500

USPA Radionic School Presentation 1990 The presentations that were given at the USPA Annual Conferences in . the early 1990's were prepared for basic researchers because of the ~ range of experience among the individuals attending. The presentation, *, given by Lutie Larsen, from 1990 contains some basic information and ~~ii practical concepts that are illustrated with stories. We find this b' particular video presentation very helpful for the beginning researcher.

LIttle Parm Research 993 w. 1800 N., Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 (801) 785-7416


Markess (& other BDNOW listers) -  

Can you recommend books, &/or websites, that provide
instructions on devising/constructing Rae-type cards  ?

Might anyone on this list already possess, or have created,
an electronic (floppy/CD) database of rates they/you
would be willing to $ell ?   How about electronic (scanned ?)
Rae Cards ?  

Are Heironymous instruments being made these days ?
If they are still available, what is fair US market $ for
one ?

Thank you.
- Wes

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