Gil Robertson wrote
"You will find an advert for  Don Mattioda and a course with rates. I have a copy of the course and do not recommend it to the serious user, as it does not use modern instruments "
Gil. Some of the most successful and advanced Agricultural radionic work in the world is being done here in Australia right now using Don Mattioda instruments. I know the practicioner personally and have seen the results of his work. It is happening right under your nose!!

The "Base 44" and "Base Ten" Rate books from Keys and the Radionic Association are only available as part of their three and a half year courses. The Base 44 system is far and away the best system for analysis and the rates and instruments, as far as I understand are only available as part of proper training.

 While I agree with you in the cautionary approach to medical use and also think that Wes is kind of putting the cart before the horse with his letter I think it is important to make the distinction between Agricultural and Human Medical usage. Which at least in the US one is (legally) OK and the other will land you in the calaboose fast! I think you are trying too hard to make the learning and Agricultural use of radionics a select privelege of an anointed few. 

The Rae Card based instruments are of very limited use without the Base 44 analysis instrument.

NO! I Dont agree!! You would have to break my arm to get my card potentiser off me. My analysis system has been good instinct, the right mental attitude, and a pendulum. I have done a lot of good work on my farm using the above and have not had to pay some high priced guru at every turn along the way.

It is rather like the several happy folk who wander the world offering instant enlightenment in matters Radionic, in a space of between one and six days. 

I suppose you include Arden Andersen here?

Outside very limited areas, such as using Hugh Lovel's Rae Cards for BD and a few complimentary additional cards, it is really important to take detailed and specific training.

I think that anyone that gets to Hugh Lovels level of expertise in any area no matter how limited should probably be congratulated and highly delighted with their success! That aside I fail to see how integrating radionics into the growing of crops and raising of livestock is a "very limited area" - looks a pretty big and diverse patch to me.  

If I have not all ready made my point, I would note that many of the leading names in Radionics died young and mainly from cancer. Malcolm Rae and David Tansley among them. A key figure died in September, who I will not name at this stage, at an age and from a cause one would not expect. There is a recognised risk to practitioners who do not know what they are doing, in that it is possible to accept the problem of the client.

If you read Don Mattioda's little "not for the serious user" course book, you would see where he specifically counsels against Radiestheisa involvement by the operator which he says leads to the operator taking on board the symptoms, such as you refer to, from the person being treated. This is a real issue and involving radiestheisea seems to be more of a problem for those using the English system and instruments than it is for the Americans

In the US, one should contact Little Farm Research, in the UK, Keys or the Radionic Association. In Oz or nearby, talk to me.

There are several other operators doing good Agricultural radionic work in Australia

Room for an amateur or two in this?


Lloyd Charles

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