Dear Hugh,
Thanks for your compliments re the Radionics weekend.  Most of the kudos comes from your visit here two years ago. Many of the 44 attendees had either been to your workshops here or else had learned more from your writings.  They had all been in contact with me over this time and kept pressuring me to run a Radionics workshop. So it was really exciting to have it all come together, and to have Lloyd Charles present his information and show us the Field broadcaster he is making with your assistance. The most exciting part was when he came up to my place later and we installed the small field broadcaster at my place!!  It was so exciting to find the right place for it with the help of some very sensitive friends, and then dig the hole, place it and then it was so wonderful we joined hands and said a prayer of thanks welcoming the new energies to this area, as well as for the inspiring weekend of meeting many new and older friends and sharing our knowledge and interests.
So many thanks to you Hugh and the great job you are doing as an example and innovator of Biodynamics, and also thanks to BD Now for being a forum for this sharing and openess about Biodynamics. 
So much is happening in Australia re BD, I have just organised another 12 workshops for the next 3 months, the demand for this information is ratrher overwhelming!
We have a big National BD Workshop coming up for August 16-18, 2002 at Ballina Beach, Northern NSW.
Here we will have Dr Fritz Balzer (of Germany) speaking of testing for quality in foods and soil and its relationship to human nutrition. He will show how to test the quality and living dynamics of substance and form in the Bd food and produce, using Sensitive crystalisation and Steigbild. 
We will also have practical workshops on simple chromotography, demonstrations of steigbild, and preparation making discussions, working with the planting calendar and spray and stirring equipment as well as artistic activities.
If you are interested in coming and are not on our mailing list, see our website : for booking details.  Members in Australia will be receiving an info sheet early next week.
Dr Balzer will also be doing a Soil Workshop on Dynamic Soil Evaluation in Beechworth Victoria on 7/8th August and following the National Workshop, he will be doing an Intensive Sensitive Crystalisation Workshop at Mullumbimby for Science teachers, School Gardeners, Food Processors and others on 20-21st August.
Cheryl Kemp
Education and Workshop Coordinator
Phone /Fax : 02 6657 5322
Home: 02 6657 5306
----- Original Message -----
From: Hugh Lovel
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: The Wizards weekend

Dear Robin, et. al.,

Not being much of a website visitor, I don't know which websites you've visited. But you seem to have a basic history of the the discovery and development of radionics.What you might be interested to realize is that the new paridigm that radionics can be explained by was coming into being at the same time that radionics was discovered--only the two occurred quite separately.

With the birth of quantum mechanics quite a few very interesting things were discovered. One of these was that th4e pattern for something that existed was not only inseparable from that thing, but it was, if anything, more fundamental than that thing. Which meant that the things we observe have underlying patterns that are beyond space and time, and more fundamental than the things manifested according to those patterns.

What's more, according to the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox (also known as the principle of non-locality or entanglement) one can take a tiny piece of something at any distance and it maintains a simultaneous, intimate, holistic connection with the whole it was a part of. So any specimen of an organism can be used in a radionic instrument to treat the whole irregardless of distance or time when the specimen was taken.

Quantum mechanics as it is taught in the universities is something that doesn't impact us at the level of our everyday lives. That's because culturally we are living with a paradigm that goes back at least to the ninteenth century if not to the early days of the Roman Empire with its Euclidean geometry. Meanwhile, modern quantum mechanics lays the ground work for understanding such things as homeopathic medicine and radionics, to say nothing of telepathy, clairvoyance and prophecy.

All of which identifies Steiner as one of the leading lights in a new science that can measure both matter and spirit and accurately deal with each. Granted we are still stumbling and fumbling, alm ost in the dark. But there is an art to knowing the subject, which is to say there is a science of it. We might as well get used to that idea. Abrahms, Drown, etc. may have all made their errors--who does not? But they certainly were on to something big.

Kudos to Hamish and Cheryl for pulling this sort of introductory show off.

Hugh Lovel


The Radionics Wizard weekend must of been very interesting indeed. The world of subtle energies certainly can spike our curiosity. I have to admit, though, that I like to keep a grain of skepticism when it comes to certain subject. Because, I'd only heard a bit about radionics, I decided to look it up on the web. The WWW is packed with pages explaining the phenomenon. Gosh... some will even sell you a PC version?!?

First I should say that I'm keeping my mind open to the technology, especially if it permits us to visualize the effect of biodynamics (as in the Kolisko research). Having said that, philosophically, I feel the need to ponder the matter from various point of views.

Here is what I found and wish to bring to the debate.

- Seems like Dr. Albert Abrams started it all with the discovery that certain diseases have specific vibratory rates that can be detected by tapping on abdomen of spine. Then a machine containing an ohm-meter, rheostat, condenser, and other electrical gadgets all wired together was developed to facilitate the process of reading "subtle energies".

- Then Dr. Ruth Drown tested the theory with experiments and even found that one could create X-Ray like pictures of patients from a distance- any distance- provided the operator had a blood sample. Thus she "proved that it work". Well... hmmm... I think that one can never prove anything (or it is very difficult), but should try to falsify a theory. It is much to easy to become bias when "proving" something... Call it a human fault...

- In 1950, the University of Chicago formed a committee to investigate Dr. Drown's methods (seeing she had great success...). The official comment of the committee turned out to be:

"...On the face of it, the Drown claims appear to be totally unworthy of serious consideration by anyone, least of all a university. However, certain friends who are members of lay boards that have been of great assistance to the university have urged that the Drown claims be investigated so that they may be repudiated if found unworthy or adapted to the benefit of mankind if they should prove to be worthy... "

"...The machine is a sort of Ouija board. It is our belief that her alleged successes rest solely on the noncritical attitude of her followers. Her technic is to find so much trouble in so many organs that usually she can say 'I told you so' when she registers an occasional lucky positive guess. In these particular tests, even this luck deserted her. "

I wonder if we are not facing a placebo effect, which is totally fine by me if it heals, or help humanity. Or, is radionics really all that it promises to be, or yet another mystical phenomenon that only exists for those who already have faith that is works. In any case, I judge not, keep my mind open, but give myself the right to question. A good debate is probably needed...

What is your feeling on this subject having been to a recent conference? Have you found a pragmatic purpose for this tool for biodynamic farmers? For example, could we use the technology to ascertain plant health, or diagnose soil health conditions? DO have an idea what kind of experiments we could perform to "test" the efficiency of radionics?

Finally to quote the father of radionics:

``The physician is only allowed to think he knows it all, but the quack, ungoverned by conscience, is permitted to know he knows it all; and with a fertile mental field for humbuggery, truth can never successfully compete with untruth.''

- Dr. Albert Abrams

----- Original Message -----
From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>D & S Chamberlain
Sent: July 7, 2002 4:08 AM
Subject: The Wizards weekend

All: I have just returned from the Radionics weekend. What a wonderful and
inspiring time it was, I saw things and people that I have only read about
previously and it lead me to believe that radionics has one hell of a
future, I need time to take in all I have seen and learnt. Cheryl Kemp,
Hamish McKay and the BDFGAA staff are to be congratulated. 44 people from as
far as the North of Western Australia attended.
David C

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