Dear Hugh,
Thanks for the effort.  That was very informing.  I guess that humans, like machines, also emit many types of vibrations.  That's why I was taught by a BD practitioner to have "good feelings" while stirring the preparations.  I wonder if the vibrations of "good feelings" by a person can override the "bad vibrations" of a machine.  Like a happy farmer singing on his tractor.  In this case, attitude would be a very important facet of BD farming.  Or even deeper, if a person eats BD foods, would they emit different vibrations then someone eating chemically grown foods.  In that case, would they have a greater potential for healing with vibrations.
By the way, a chemist friend of mine once pointed out to me that WATER was the most studied element since the beginning of times, but yet the LEAST understood.  He also told me that some of the theories in cell biology (e.g. the transport of intra-cellular particles) were being revisited as they have found that the scientists had built their theories on a bunch of artifacts (false visual cues).  For example, small tiny lines inside the cells formed themselves when preparing and mounting cells on glass plates.  For a long time they thought those lines really existed and had very important functions for cells.  Well... now they know that they don't!  So.. now it would seem that some cell biologists are turning to the properties of WATER to explain many of their biological theories.  They call it WATER MEMORY.  I think this is very similar to what you call TONE : Ether permeating water capable of holding the patterns of water.  Any all of this is very exciting as I seriously believe (and here I'm certainly exposing myself to criticism by those who believe that they could never merge) that humanity is entering a period where people will be trying to build bridges between the  hard and esoteric sciences.  In a sense,  when you say "We can use more science and less mumbo jumbo on this subject",  I feel that some people are now trying to turn the mumbo jumbo into hard science.  But really... aren't we simply dealing with rules, set conventions, and words to understand and talk about the same forces and phenomenon's.  In this case, we will undoubtedly finish up in the same place... Some getting there faster.
Have a nice one,

----- Original Message -----
From: Hugh Lovel
Sent: July 9, 2002 8:34 AM
Subject: Re: The Wizards weekend

Dear Lloyd, et. al.,

What I encounter here at the antipodes from you Aussies is fear amongst the BD community that radionics DOES work, but is somehow Ahrimanic. It works with the forces of sub-nature, critics say.

I want to define a few terms so folks will know what Ahriman and the forces of sub-nature might be.

Ahriman rules the deepest earthly realms, just as Lucifer rules the most far-flung cosmic realms. Where Lucifer deals in fantasy and illusion, halucinations, isolation, pot smoking, etc. Ahriman goes for the gutso--money, war, lust, the use of force, automatic machinery, real PHYSICAL things. Lucifer, traditionally, wants to set himself up with his own universe, independent of the Creator, while Ahriman's mission is to achieve perfection by stasis, which is to say death.

The Forces of Subnature refers to the so-called fallen ethers. So, first we have to define what ethers are.

Ethers are the organizational principles permeating the elements, which are fire, air, water and earth. Warmth is the principle associated with fire, light with air, tone with water and life with earth. Imagine an eagle sailing high aloft riding the rising warm air currents in the atmosphere. This shows us some of the organizational character of warmth. Light passes through the atmosphere but is reflected off of surfaces, and we can see how lenses and other optical devices can direct and modify it. And we can see how it can be much more organized than warmth. What we don't often think about is non-visible light, such as infrared. Infrared light is lower energy light that is more closely associated with warmth. The earth holds this sort of light in during the winter. (Steiner pointed out in his agriculture course that we understand very little about how light behaves within the earth, but, of course, if silica conducts light so readily and the earth's crust is so silica rich then light is at work within the earth as well as in the atmosphere.) Tone, which is the ether permeating water, is available to our senses as sound in a very limited range of vibrations. Water is the best conductor of sound. But water is also the vibrational medium for chemistry, the universal solvent the basis for what we know of as acidity and alkalinity. It is a ready recptor of patterns and holds the memory of patterns. Consider the infinite variety of patterns in snowflakes. So we see in water a further intensification of organization. With earth we see the last and greatest intensification. Because organization is the basis of life and the earth element, permeated by its ether, is the most intense element, then we call this ether the life ether. We see its intensity in the crystal lattice structures of rocks and minerals, and in our bodies particularly in the bones with their heavy lime nature. But lime carries its forces through oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, sulfur on into every sort of combination in living organisms.

We can think of fallen light ether as disruptive electricity, fallen tone ether as disruptive magnetism and fallen life ether as disruptive nuclear energy--namely radioactivity. Really, in our bodies we have electricity, magnetism and nuclear energy. The way we have it, however, is very, very fine and highly organized. But in our wall current we have very raw, extremely forceful, highly disruptive electricity that can kill us if we come in contact with it. This is fallen light ether. In strong magnetic fields we have much the same, only this is fallen tone ether. If you want to erase the patterns in water, use a strong magnet. In a nuclear power plant we have the worst of all, fallen life ether. Our bodies don't handle radioactivity well at all.

When we apply Steiner's agricultural remedies and we use a stirring machine with an electric motor we may very well be subjecting our remedy to the disruptive forces of sub nature, which is why Steve Storch is making his stirring machines hydraulic rather than getting electric motors too close. But with electric motors, and for that matter with tractors, we ARE playing with the forces of sub-nature.

A field broadcaster, however, is just a set of coils, diodes and resistors with a top plate to contact the atmosphere at 9 1/2 feet above ground and a bottom plate to contact the soil 2 feet deep. There is a difference in electric potential between the top and bottom plates and this causes a very slight current flow through the coils. Rather than disrupting the organizational patterns used in the broadcaster this arrangement establishes them over large areas. It really gets the patterns, which is to say the most important part of the agricultural remedies, established very effectively. So how is this more Ahrimanic then a tractor or spray rig? How is it using the forces of sub-nature?

Many radionic instruments use electricity and/or magnets. But how do they use them? Disruptively or disorganizationally? Not at all. Just the opposite. Instead of raw power electricity and magnetism that disrupts patterns and kills, these devices do just the opposite and employ electricity and magnetism with a fine touch, an almost impercepitable adjustment in the organizational patterns. After all, they are intended to heal.

We could, of course, have radionic instruments that use specific isotopes of various elements, including ORME or ORMUS materials. Steiner did some experimentation along these lines and built some contraptions using radioactive isotopes. As I understand it much of this portion of Steiner's work has remained unpublished and circulated only amongst a small circle of workers, but stories are told. Steiner evidently foresaw the day when Orbitally Rearranged Mono-atomic Elements (ORME) would be discovered, as he mentions these in talking about transmutation and making the dandelion remedy in his agriculture course. As I understand it Bruce Tainio out in Spokane, Washington is experimenting with using ORMUS materials with radionic instruments, and that this accounts for some of the seemingly fabulous results he has been able to get. Hopefully at some point we will see these insights incorporated into field broadcaster designs.

Try to understand that we are only at the very beginning of a completely new science and technology. It will revolutionize everything. Inevitably there will be foot dragging and nay saying. There may even be a fair bit of murder and mayhem, as the established order has its ways of resisting change, no matter how inevitable that change may be.

Cheryl and Hamish are to be commended for their efforts to spread understanding about these things. You too, Lloyd, Gil, et. al. We are on the cusp of an astonishing new era. I hesitate to say new age as this term seems to have been preempted by some with little more than gasseous matter in their craniums. It will help to be down-to-earth and matter-of-fact about this. We can use more science and less mumbo jumbo on this subject.

Hugh Lovel

----- Original Message -----
From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Robin Duchesneau
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 9:18 AM
Subject: Re: The Wizards weekend


The Radionics Wizard weekend must of been very interesting indeed. The world of subtle energies certainly can spike our curiosity. I have to admit, though, that I like to keep a grain of skepticism when it comes to certain subject.

Dear Robin
I just got home from the wizards workshop too. It was fantastic! To top it off a small party of us put a field broadcaster up in Cheryl Kemp's back paddock (a donation for research purposes) average one way distance for these people was over 800 miles.
I have been using field broadcasters myself and radionic diagnosis and treatment of crops via a friend /consultant for three years now and have to say I am a bit amused when biodynamic farmers have scepticism about radionics working. Radionics is not very far on from the subtle energies and forces involved in the use of "proper " BD - particularly the peppering of insects etc. I can easily understand when those grounded in conventional NPK science argue, but remain entirely baffled by the amount of energy thats expended by some BD people trying to prove that radionics is a hoax. Keep an open mind and think about this - or better still read Hugh Lovel's excellent post and look at some of the hard science behind radionics.
Lloyd Charles

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