As always your posts are full of wonderful pictures.
Not being a electro nut I feel completely out of my depth regarding the
field broadcaster as a degrenedrator of life force, however I have
discussed this point with both Dennis Klocek and Dr Dan Winter, who are
both of the understanding/experience that field broadcaster and radionic
devices of all kinds are depleters of the organised etheric energy.

Dennis has written an article on this which I struggle to fully
comphrend (, and I
have not found where Dan Winter has written about this.
However the telling part of Dennis' point can probably be summarised in
the following paragraph from the above article.
"Static electricity is a form of electricity that is much closer to the
form of electricity found in plant and animal cells than the type of
electricity found in the circuits of a house. Static electricity is
biological electricity and supports life rather than draining it away.
The problem is to design an apparatus to accumulate and store weak
electrostatic charges (like a Leyden jar) and distribute them without a
flow or rapid discharge of current. The spark from the Leyden jar or car
battery is such a discharge. Devices for holding on to a strong
electrostatic charge were developed by earlier civilizations in the
construction of earthworks, pyramids, obelisks and temple complexes. The
cosmic pipe is an attempt to form a contemporary solution to such sacred
architecture. The cosmic pipe, however, includes the fatal prejudice of
modern technology with its conduction wire running down its center.
Conduction equals destruction of the vital essence of electricity. The
essence of the electric power vanishes into our toasters and light
bulbs. Instead of saving and nurturing and amplifying the primary
electrostatic energies given from cosmic sources, modern technology
drains away the power through consuming the source."  

This echo my memories of Dans point of view also.
Dan went on to stress that 'Bio reasonance' however was life producing
and thus it is best for us as humans to Bio resonant our desired
influences rather than use a 'EM current' device to do so. Which comes
back to my early point that we need to KNOW consciously what we are
doing and think the right thoughts, vision the right visions as the next
step in Biodynamic agriculture.

Are we doing this with dowsing and pipes, even formula application of

I am intrigued to know from the Wizards of OZ weekend how much
discussion and understanding was developed about how each preparation
was working on the spiritual bodies and how these bodies would be
manifesting in the presence of any given problem and thus how a solution
would be consciously sort?


Hugh Lovel wrote:
> Dear Lloyd, et. al.,
> What I encounter here at the antipodes from you Aussies is fear
> amongst the BD community that radionics DOES work, but is somehow
> Ahrimanic. It works with the forces of sub-nature, critics say.
> I want to define a few terms so folks will know what Ahriman and the
> forces of sub-nature might be.
> Ahriman rules the deepest earthly realms, just as Lucifer rules the
> most far-flung cosmic realms. Where Lucifer deals in fantasy and
> illusion, halucinations, isolation, pot smoking, etc. Ahriman goes for
> the gutso--money, war, lust, the use of force, automatic machinery,
> real PHYSICAL things. Lucifer, traditionally, wants to set himself up
> with his own universe, independent of the Creator, while Ahriman's
> mission is to achieve perfection by stasis, which is to say death.
> The Forces of Subnature refers to the so-called fallen ethers. So,
> first we have to define what ethers are.
> Ethers are the organizational principles permeating the elements,
> which are fire, air, water and earth. Warmth is the principle
> associated with fire, light with air, tone with water and life with
> earth. Imagine an eagle sailing high aloft riding the rising warm air
> currents in the atmosphere. This shows us some of the organizational
> character of warmth. Light passes through the atmosphere but is
> reflected off of surfaces, and we can see how lenses and other optical
> devices can direct and modify it. And we can see how it can be much
> more organized than warmth. What we don't often think about is
> non-visible light, such as infrared. Infrared light is lower energy
> light that is more closely associated with warmth. The earth holds
> this sort of light in during the winter. (Steiner pointed out in his
> agriculture course that we understand very little about how light
> behaves within the earth, but, of course, if silica conducts light so
> readily and the earth's crust is so silica rich then light is at work
> within the earth as well as in the atmosphere.) Tone, which is the
> ether permeating water, is available to our senses as sound in a very
> limited range of vibrations. Water is the best conductor of sound. But
> water is also the vibrational medium for chemistry, the universal
> solvent the basis for what we know of as acidity and alkalinity. It is
> a ready recptor of patterns and holds the memory of patterns. Consider
> the infinite variety of patterns in snowflakes. So we see in water a
> further intensification of organization. With earth we see the last
> and greatest intensification. Because organization is the basis of
> life and the earth element, permeated by its ether, is the most
> intense element, then we call this ether the life ether. We see its
> intensity in the crystal lattice structures of rocks and minerals, and
> in our bodies particularly in the bones with their heavy lime nature.
> But lime carries its forces through oxygen, hydrogen, carbon,
> nitrogen, sulfur on into every sort of combination in living
> organisms.
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