----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 9:18 AM
Subject: Re: The Wizards weekend

The Radionics Wizard weekend must of been very interesting indeed.  The world of subtle energies certainly can spike our curiosity.  I have to admit, though, that I like to keep a grain of skepticism when it comes to certain subject. 
Dear Robin
I just got home from the wizards workshop too. It was fantastic! To top it off a small party of us put a field broadcaster up in Cheryl Kemp's back paddock (a donation for research purposes) average one way distance for these people was over 800 miles. 
 I have been using field broadcasters myself and radionic diagnosis and treatment of crops via a friend /consultant for three years now and have to say I am a bit amused when biodynamic farmers have scepticism about radionics working. Radionics is not very far on from the subtle energies and forces involved in the use of "proper " BD - particularly the peppering of insects etc. I can easily understand when those grounded in conventional NPK science argue, but remain entirely baffled by the amount of energy thats expended by some BD people trying to prove that radionics is a hoax. Keep an open mind and think about this - or better still read Hugh Lovel's excellent post and look at some of the hard science behind radionics. 
Lloyd Charles        

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