Glen wrote>
> I am intrigued to know from the Wizards of OZ weekend how much
> discussion and understanding was developed about how each preparation
> was working on the spiritual bodies and how these bodies would be
> manifesting in the presence of any given problem and thus how a solution
> would be consciously sort?
> cheers
> Glen

Hello Glen
                  There was some worthwhile discussion of this -Hamish,
Cheryl,James Hedley, however it is difficult and takes considerable time for
most people to understand, much more difficult to explain adequately to
farmers new to BD. After three years exposure I am very new and raw still.
We definitely need a better understanding of this - in fact that was my need
to know subject for the blackboard at the start of the workshop. What are
the subtle manifestations in plant growth and soil conditions that each of
the preps brings? If yourself, Hugh Lovel, Peter Bacchus, and Greg Willis
were to run a lengthy discussion on this list focussing on this and the
question you asked above, you can bet it will be well recieved.
 Lets come back to basics for a bit. What those on the list who may be
critical of us need to understand is this. We have an influx of full time
farmers interested in biodynamics as a better way to farm,  but unable,
because of the type of country they operate on, or the area involved, to get
BD going with physical preps (stir and spray). They commonly have land that
is reasonable quality grazing and too rough to spray over - sure you can use
a helicopter on high carrying land but economics just dont support that on
one sheep to the acre pastures - As I see it these farmers dont have a lot
of choices
1. they can do nothing, deplete their land by overstocking to pay the bills
and slowly go broke
2. they can embrace technology, spray weeds, fly out acid fertiliser in good
seasons, deplete their land and slowly go broke
3. with some imagination they maybe can use field broadcasting, and radionic
treatments, to get the BD preps going out, pepper some weeds instead of
spraying, pepper some bugs instead of spraying, plus if they stir and spray
preps where they can - off roads, fencelines etc, to reinforce the
broadcaster patterns, just maybe they can improve things enough to stay
there long term and not go broke at all
I realise (and so do these farmers) that this is very far from the "ideal"
use of biodynamics but its a better alternative than chemical farming and
that is what the choice is in many instances. My personal opinion here is
that a field broadcaster well sited and properly managed will do a superior
job to minimalist physical spraying of preps (whatever is just required for
certification) I also believe that if basic soil chemistry is out of kilter
it needs to be partly fixed with some mineral substance -  lime - rock
dust - rock phosphate - whatever - the Steiner remedies, in whatever form we
choose to use them, need something of substance to work on and if we
continue to cart minerals out the gate then occasionally we may need to
bring some back in. (If we missed a message at our wizard workshop this was
probably it)
I have been field broadcasting and using radionic treatments for three
years - I'm just a basic bloke, dont know the high level stuff yet, but I
can tell you that the less chemical I put out the nicer my soil gets, the
healthier and happier I feel, and the more pleased I am to come home to this
particular farm. Its a huge improvement on what was happening before. I try
to put together a nice subtle, balanced reagent package for the
broadcasters - not go bashing things over the head. I really think that most
of the percieved problems with radionics / broadcasters are imaginary
provided that the person in charge is functioning properly and has good
intent. They are mental problems of the manager, not the fault of the
Cheers to all
Lloyd Charles

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