Resonant Info wrote:

Roger wrote:

.. is that whilst they are invisible in themselves, being spirals of pure energy, they may be located by their usually destructive effects ...

Two things that Steiner wrote that I find relevant to this statement -
"No matter without spirit
no spirit without matter"

I can't locate the original source of this quote but I believe Steiner was quoting an old saying.

And secondly from the Ag Course - "...always stay in the realm of the Living", he was referring to our thinking in regard to Agriculture .

To me that means actual organic, incarnate, manifest, substance. Not pure spirit or pure energy. Not in the dead mineral world. Not in ethers, as such, but in the world where there are actual living things and sh*t and dirt.
That is where we must live on Earth and tread a middle road of above and below, a road of ambiguity and uncertainty.
This is not to try to ignore the spirit or the energy (or mathematical laws either)

    There is no matter without spirit and there is no spirit without

It is the motto of the Rudolph Steiner Foundation, San Francisco, founded in 1983.

Also allegedly from the Hindu Scriptures, refer
Also further down the page under INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION:

When the One Life manifests a portion of itself as a visible Universe, it does so by alternately evolving its two aspects of Matter and Spirit. In the beginning of a cycle of manifestation, Matter is evolved, as there must be a sub-stratum or foundation provided for the higher evolution that is to follow. This is exemplified in the early stages of a planet's existence when Matter dominates the scene and no higher life is discernible. Yet the Ancient Teaching tells us that even in the rock there exists a form of life -- of a very low order, not life as we ordinarily think of it, but still life of a kind. In this case Matter dominates and Spirit is almost completely dormant or involved. This is Evolution of Matter and Involution of Spirit.

Think about that '. . even in the rock there exists a form of life . . of a very low order . .'

Also refer this page which is about harmonics.

You also used the quote on this list back in April :) To find another 38 references type "no Spirit without" into



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