I can relate it to a mathematical law. Sometimes we take the equation that describes some aspect of an observation as the thing in itself. Does the equation or the relation (not the formula, as written of course) have any meaningful existence, any relevance, without its manifestation? It is an interesting question isn't it?
I understand what you refer to below simply as "potential" energy.

Is there any gravity, for example, without matter? You could say that without matter there is no gravity and you'd be right. But you could also say the that gravity exists even if there is no matter and that would be correct too. The first statement is about the actual observable world, the second is about the conceptual world, and that is the difference.

Resonant Info wrote:

Roger wrote:

.. is that whilst they are invisible in themselves, being spirals of pure energy, they may be located by their usually destructive effects ...

Two things that Steiner wrote that I find relevant to this statement -
"No matter without spirit
no spirit without matter"

I can't locate the original source of this quote but I believe Steiner was quoting an old saying.

And secondly from the Ag Course - "...always stay in the realm of the Living", he was referring to our thinking in regard to Agriculture .

To me that means actual organic, incarnate, manifest, substance. Not pure spirit or pure energy. Not in the dead mineral world. Not in ethers, as such, but in the world where there are actual living things and sh*t and dirt.
That is where we must live on Earth and tread a middle road of above and below, a road of ambiguity and uncertainty.
This is not to try to ignore the spirit or the energy (or mathematical laws either)

'Pure' in the sense of not being made visible by material inherent in the flow or around it.
Would you accept 'energy invisible to the naked eye'? --


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