Graeme Gerrard wrote:
> David,
> I absolutely agree about the thinking. How could anybody disagree -
> its a motherhood question.
> But one of the things about work (= action) that I have found, is
> that it is difficult to maintain detachment when so engaged.  What I
> mean is that "doing" gets you involved - especially working with
> other people.  Maybe this is what is meant, rather than the "hard
> physical work".

Well put, one observation I have made is that uder the current practise the
"doers", that is in our case farmers, rarely have time to investigate new
methods and ideas, I don't refer to the members of this list, but your every
day farmer who is usually wholly occupied with keeping the bank from the
door and just doesn't have the time to read and experiment. The evolving
answer to this is the current crop of consultants who for a fee dispense
their products and who only survive if they produce results. Hopefully they
will also stir enough interest among a wider group to stimulate "thinking".

> But David, have you any thoughts on the original question I put under
> this subject heading that you could share?  There have been many
> comments but a resounding lack of anything OT.

I'm not sure what OT is!!! My thoughts are that Biodynamics, Radionics and
Homeopathy are the same tree viewed from different angles, the branches are
all the same just given different names. My participation on this list, or
more precisely lurking, has excited me with the many and various approaches
being investigated by people. I hope they all continue to communicate, be it
through gentle discussion or squabbling, BD and Radionics in particular are
now out in the open and being discussed in a manner such as never before, I
now know far more about Homeopathy than before and that has to be good.

I think we should be wary of quoting Steiner, I have read some of his work
and the thing that keeps coming back to me is that he was not really happy
having his lectures published because he was worried that he would be taken
out of context and that each lecture was tailored to a particular group.
There for he spoke to different levels of understanding each time he spoke.
Added to that we have the problem of translation when using English.

I believe that BD has been poorly served by those who took on the task of
spreading the word, not because of bad intentions but because of the of the
size of the task and the tendency of the rank and file of the movement to
genuflect to gurus and save themselves the work of thinking. The beauty of
BDNOW is that all the small cells of people attempting to move BD on to
another level, which I might add Steiner definitely suggested, are now
talking and able to compare notes. There is no compulsion that any one has
to believe what anyone else says, accept or reject it's up to the individual
and please feel free to say so but keep an open mind.

Many of the ideas put forward on the list are the "opinions" of the person
concerned, no one other than Glen Atkinson has put forward independent proof
of the worth of their opinion, I  am sure that wide spread acceptance of any
of the disciplines we speak of will not come about without proof.

I have always thought that voodoo, holy cards etc were part of what I
understood to be the occult as is BD, perhaps I'm wrong?

I see no difference between the energies I use with Reiki and with BD or
radionics, just the tools I use with them are different.

Sorry I have no profound observations for you, all I can finish with is
"Keep fighting" we're getting some good discussion.
David C

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