Ye Ha, when you stir the mob on this list you get a bigger reaction than a
hot potato under a horse's tail. I would like to comment on part of what has
been alluded to in the previous posts, in particular the assumption that
hard physical work is a requirement for humans. I have been involved with a
large number of groups of people over the years and without doubt the
hardest thing to get people to do is to "think". Seeing as how, at least to
my knowledge, humans are the only material manifestations that can "think",
than surely it is their role in the scheme of things to work hard at
"thinking". Hard physical work can be done by a number of different animals,
but they can't "think".
Am I right or wrong?
David C

I absolutely agree about the thinking. How could anybody disagree - its a motherhood question.
But one of the things about work (= action) that I have found, is that it is difficult to maintain detachment when so engaged. What I mean is that "doing" gets you involved - especially working with other people. Maybe this is what is meant, rather than the "hard physical work".

But David, have you any thoughts on the original question I put under this subject heading that you could share? There have been many comments but a resounding lack of anything OT.
Graeme Gerrard
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