On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 9:55 AM, Dennis Cote <denn...@harding.ca> wrote:
> On Thursday, March 13, 2014 4:51:53 PM UTC-6, RobertCNelson wrote:
>> Can you pastebin this file for me:
>> /var/log/xinput_calibrator.pointercal.log
>> and the output of "xinput" you will have to run it from x11, no
>> serial/ssh..
> Here you go:
> xinput_calibrator.log pastebin.com/EZ4uSu4W
> xinput.txt pastebin.com/ZBDXGkt3
> lsusb.txt pastebin.com/0UthnPqZ

I don't see anything obvious, so I ordered it up..

>> Yeah,
>> export PATH=$PATH:~/bin
>> in ~/.profile is all you should need..
> You are missing my point. These commands are already in the default .profile
> created for the debian user. See the pastebin.com/kjDXbEpJ for a copy of
> mine. I added the TZ environment variable at the end.
> ls ~ shows my bin directory exists
> env | grep HOME shows the HOME variable as /home/debian
> env | grep PATH shows the PATH as
> /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games
> The .profile should be adding /home/debian/bin to the path, but it is not.

It works here:

debian@beaglebone:~/bin$ nano simple.c
debian@beaglebone:~/bin$ gcc -Wall simple.c -o simple
debian@beaglebone:~/bin$ cd ..
debian@beaglebone:~$ which simple
debian@beaglebone:~$ simple
Simple Program

One thing i can do is just to add the directory by default in the image.

debian@beaglebone:~$ echo $PATH

> It is also not adding the TZ variable to the environment.

Just use:

dpkg-reconfigure tzdata


echo "Europe/Zurich" > /etc/timezone
dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata

> BTW, we could probably remove the two games directories from the default
> PATH as well. I don't think many users will be using BBB for gaming.

The default /etc/profile sets the gaming directories up by default. So
i opted to just leave them.


The only thing i've done there, is to tweak the path to also include
the root "sbin" directories too for the normal user..


Robert Nelson

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