On Friday, March 14, 2014 2:08:00 PM UTC-6, RobertCNelson wrote:
> Here is a better fix: 
> sudo sed -i -e 's:Exec=lxterminal:Exec=lxterminal -l -e bash:g' 
> /usr/share/applications/lxterminal.desktop 

As far as I can tell by using ps - p $$, lxterminal is already running 
bash, so adding -e bash shouldn't change anything. Adding the -l make it a 
login shell, so it sources /etc/profile and then .profile, which sources 
.bashrc if it exists. 

Without this change lxterminal runs bash as a non login shell so it sources 
/etc/bash.bashrc and then .bashrc instead. The /etc/bash.bashrc file setups 
the command prompt.

What I don't understand is why an lxterminal command with no options starts 
a bash shell, but an lxterminal -l command starts a /bin/sh shell which is 
actually a dash shell. You end up with no command prompt because it doesn't 
run /etc/bash.bashrc. There are probably other differences. This is why you 
added the -e bash option. 

Anyway this does seem like a better fix, though anything that runs /bin/sh 
will still have a different PATH without the user bin directory.

Dennis Cote  


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