You're being too harsh on the topic. Most people didn't really use java 
because of platform independence. In the beginnings of Java, applets were 
the killer feature. You could easily deliver fat client software with the 
webbrowser. It wasn't that much about platform independence. Java is a lot 
more than platform independence.

Platform independence hast its limits by design. When you want to be 
independent of something, you need abstractions. Abstractions are leaky, 
though. When you then want to do something, which is not common to all(!) 
platforms you support, then you cannot generalize it. Or you make it 
possible but then you depend  upon the details of the platform. Those 
details are for example the native library that PureJavaComm delivers.

>also it is not very proficient especially considering you've spent how 
many days here trying to troubleshoot an issue that should never have 

Well, I'm arguing against that by saying, that you will potentially have 
the same problem in every language that uses a runtime and does not compile 
to native code.

>I could go on all day, but THIS is one reason why Java is a horrible 
language.  People are taught to write sloppy / crappy code like this, and 
told  that it's fine / good. It's not fine, when you break a key feature in 
a language.

Why is it a key feature to communicate with low level peripherals? Once you 
go beneath a leaky abstraction (and every abstraction is leaky), you will 
have tight dependencies. You cannot say the code is crappy. The things you 
want to do are simply not possible without writing native code. When you 
choose to write such code in Java, it is by design and not necessarily 
crappy. It's all about the API for Java.

I could take a native i386 lib with a python API, pull it over to arm and 
then complain that it does not work as well. This is basically what you are 
doing currently, no offense meant.

>Anyway, do not take the above personally. but please do try to expand your 
horizons some.  

Well, personally, I am proficient in quite a lot languages. So I feel like 
I can judge languages quite well. Java has its flaws, but as a language, it 
is quite decent. You can write bad code in any language and Java code is 
not necessarily bad code, just because it breaks platform independence 
(reasoning: see above). I like Java because it's object oriented and does 
not need extensive resource managing like C++. I can handle complexity with 
it much better, than in C. And since I use it at work, I am getting results 
very fast.

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