I think what would be super useful, if a web interface, or maybe even
native app that did pinmux for people. Select a few options from dropdowns,
click a few checkboxes, and viola ! Have it generate a *dts file for you.
I will say, and agree that this platform is not like something like the
rPI( Arduiono-esque). In that it's a platform that is more geared towards
the professional spectrum of embedded Linux. But there is not reason why
creating an overlay has to turn into brain surgery. Or take a new user
months to figure out. Tom King's son wrote one 2-3 years ago, except to me
it's always been unclear what exactly it does, and why. From the
perspective of  a person being a device tree overlay newb, and knowing what
to select for options.  Anyway, TI has a muxing tool, for many of their
processor. I think there is one for the AM355x set too. But the way TI does
thing, with apps of this nature always grates on me . . . For starters I'm
a huge anti-proponent of the Java language, and JRE in general. Where the
developers from TI seems to love and only know Java . . . *bleech*. Yes, an
overstatement. Anyway, no one says I have to use these apps, and I don't.
But I do think there should be better native tools available from the
community. Does it mean I'm willing to contribute to such a project myself
? Yes, but finding the actual time( because of priorities ), is usually
*the* roadblock. That, and I often find myself interested in odd problems
to be solved, and find myself off on a wild tangent . . .chasing rabbits.

This is one of the major reasons why I think single pin device tree source
files are a good thing. It makes it much easier for the beginner to look,
and see what's going on. In my mind, this is "just another reason" why I
think universal io is an awesome project. It makes it easier for device
tree overlay newbs to see what's happening. Not to mention, my Bonejs
project needed a way to have pins muxed. But I wanted to keep pin muxing
separate from Bonejs. As it's my own opinion that pin muxing, and the idea
behind Bonejs are two seperate "things", and should be kept separate. For
several reasons, but mainly to keep things simple, and far less complex.

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