> I am accessing CPAN as an un-priviledged user and run into a problem
> make install. CPAN quits suggesting I su to run make install.

Do you have 'su' permissions or not?  The easiest thing to do is to
become a privileged user and let CPAN install the modules where it
will... this isn't always possible.  

> Do I have to su before I do "perl _MCPAN -e shell" ?

If you are allowed to, then yes that is the easiest way...

> Can I continue the process in $HOME/.cpan ?

Depends... with 'su' I believe you are going to have $HOME set to /root
rather than /home/<user> so it may not work  and you will have to
reconfigure CPAN, etc.  With something like 'sudo' on the other hand you
are getting a privileged <user> rather than a root login, so it should
work without changes (this is probably the easiest way to do things). 
This is probably OS dependent, and is my *understanding* not necessarily
*fact* :-)...

> Will this go to the main @INC somewhere, or be an orphan in my $HOME ?

As long as you have privileges to write to the @INC then it will go
there.  If you do not, you can configure CPAN to install into a
directory of your choosing. Then in your scripts you can either add a
'use lib' line, or in your environment you can set the PERL5LIB variable.

If you do not have privileges and need more help come back and we can
straighten out your CPAN config.


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