1 --- Do you live in
    a) city
    b) suburbs
    c) country
    d) on Planet Berner

In the country.  (On Planet Berner...)

2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?

On the sofa.  (Naturally, we don't know this.  We still believe that he
sleeps in the lovely dog bed provided for the purpose.)

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?

Strangely enough, he doesn't play with toys much - unless they are stolen
from his friends, that is.  Santa likes to play with people.  "Nadger
nudging" is his favourite game.  Just don't ask...

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in the blank)

His amazing laid-back, happy-go-lucky adaptability.

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)

Oh yes, a lovely new, er, van.  Car days would appear to be over...

6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
has won)
    a) conformation
    b) obedience trials
    c) drafting trials
    d) agility
    e) therapy work
    f) tracking
    g) training classes
    h) digging to China

Santa won an obedience award at his dog training club given "For a rare
breed, not usually seen or successful in obedience".  As he is rarely seen
to be or successful at obedience, it seemed fitting.

Digging to China started at an early age (about 5 months) when he would dig
huge craters in the sand on the beach and then sit back, smiling cheerfully
and watch as the passers-by gazed adoringly at him and promptly fell right
down the hole.  Digging to China had to be stopped before we got sued.  (It
was funny, though.)

7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.....

Last summer he stole a prize-winning exhibit from our village show (a loaf
of wholemeal bread) and managed to eat about a quarter of it, before his
(mortified) mother retrieved it, shoved it unceremoniously back on its plate
and, not to put too fine a point on it, legged it from the marquee.  It has
since been discovered that the remains of the slightly chewed loaf was not,
as expected, fed to the chickens.  "Oh, you'd be surprised what we eat in
this house," was the comment of the lady who baked it.  (We're not going
there for tea in a hurry!  Not that I think for one moment we'd be

Molly & Santa
Cornwall, UK

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