I currently live with 4 Berners, Florian - 17 months, Halli - 5 years,
Assi - 9 years and Ritzy - almost 14 years.

1 --- Do you live
In the city limits, but on 11.5 private acres

 2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
Florian, Halli and Assi sleep on the bed.  Ritzy sleeps by choice, in the
kitchen, unless it storms and she then joins us on the bed. (I'm single....)

> > > 3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?
Florain and Halli adore those rubber squeak toys that make weird sounds when
they squeeze them.  Unfortuantely, they de-squeak them in a couple of days
and I have to buy new ones.

> > 4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in the blank)

Their unfettered devotion for me.

> > > 5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
Bumped up from a sedan to a SUV years ago.

> > > 6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
has won)
When time permits, I show conformation.  Florian has visited the nursing
home where my Mom lives, since he was 8 weeks old.

> > > 7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.....

Years ago, before leaving town for a dog show, Ritzy ate a bunch of horse
food at my barn.  She began 'passing it all' the night before the show.  She
also passed a Wendy's wrapper and a dime, both of which she ate, I assume
out of the car.  During the show, she pooped three times in the ring, still
trying to rid herself of all the horse food.  It looked like I've fed her a
pecan roll. (This is the dog who will be 14 next month!)

Halli ate the tassel off of a Cole Hahn shoe once and she caught a rat on
Christmas day and brought it into the house, but only after she ate its

Halli and Assi have frequently brought turtles in the house, via the doggie
door.  'Someone' tried to bring a dead armadillo in the doggie door, but it
wouldn't fit.

Gail Miller
Cynosure Bernese Mountain Dogs in Arkansas (USA)

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