Hi Robert,


Thinking about future, I’m not sure that using only length of NH is a good 
thing. Of course, with IPv4 vs IPv6, it works. But what happens if in the 
future we have different NH types using a common size ? How do you ensure that 
the NH is correctly encoded ? If you want to be 100% clean, you need a field 
telling how is encoded your NH. This is purely theoretical, but nothing can 
prevent this to happen. This discussion has wider implications. If we just 
brainstorm, we can even wonder if the NH field is really needed when tunnels 
are used and tunnel-encaps may be a solution to replace the NH for some 
AFI/SAFIs.  That’s a different discussion 😊.


> The main reason is that as SAFIs are being defined every now and then and 
> there is still no clear document if next hop should match NLRI type or not.

As already discussed offline, I would be happy to see guidelines written in IDR 
to make things better for any new AFI/SAFIs and possibly make all existing 
AFI/SAFIs working with the new guidelines through a capability or whatever 
solution. But again, this is orthogonal.


Again the goal here is not to do a revolution, but just accommodating the 
standard to how the implementations of RFC5549 are working. Changing the 
solution is not the goal. 

You can’t force people to change their code just because we did things 
suboptimal from a standard point of view. Codes are working today and are 


Any new solution could be done in a separate document and then it will be up to 
each vendor to implement it or not and to customers to use it or not.







From: Robert Raszuk <rob...@raszuk.net> 
Sent: jeudi 28 novembre 2019 17:57
To: slitkows.i...@gmail.com
Cc: Bocci, Matthew (Nokia - GB) <matthew.bo...@nokia.com>; bess@ietf.org; 
Subject: Re: [bess] WG Adoption and IPR Poll for 




Adding ability to recognize the length of the next hop to any code is purely 
incremental thing. When vendors were asked I do not even recall if there was a 
question if given implementation can infer next hop format from length or not - 
and that is the key problem/point here. 


Just asking if you are prepending zeros or not to NH in some SAFIs and stating 
that if so you do revise 5549 to reflect that is not what we should be doing. 


The main reason is that as SAFIs are being defined every now and then and there 
is still no clear document if next hop should match NLRI type or not. Moreover 
4364 is still being developed in few vendors. Sure they want to be backwards 
compatible too, but with that let's also give them a chance to do the right 
thing vs just follow legacy. 


So yes if you are opening that box my suggestion is to define an additional 
capability indicating if receiver can process next hop without any additional 
nonsense zero padding. All it takes is one paragraph/section and one IANA 


Stating that this should be new separate document again updating 5549 and now 
5549revised is really not the best option. 





On Thu, Nov 28, 2019 at 5:40 PM <slitkows.i...@gmail.com 
<mailto:slitkows.i...@gmail.com> > wrote:

Hi Robert,


Please see some replies inline.




From: Robert Raszuk <rob...@raszuk.net <mailto:rob...@raszuk.net> > 
Sent: mercredi 27 novembre 2019 22:18
To: Bocci, Matthew (Nokia - GB) <matthew.bo...@nokia.com 
<mailto:matthew.bo...@nokia.com> >
Cc: bess@ietf.org <mailto:bess@ietf.org> ; bess-cha...@ietf.org 
Subject: Re: [bess] WG Adoption and IPR Poll for 


I do not support this draft in the current form. 


This document instead of improving the original specification makes it actually 



Point 1 - 


Original RFC sec. 6.2:   

   o  Network Address of Next Hop = IPv6 address of Next Hop


Proposed text:


   o  Network Address of Next Hop = VPN-IPv6 address of Next Hop whose

RD is set to zero




As it has been explained when you negotiate in capability AFI2 as next hop it 
is just 16 octets - not 24. 

[SLI] AFI2 means that the nexthop is encoded with a format compliant with an 
AFI2, but does not tell anything about the SAFI. A VPN-IPv6 address is still 


Next hop never has an RD. 

[SLI] We have already discussed about that. RD doesn’t make any sense for a 
nexthop address. No one disagrees on that point. However our legacy 2547bis 
introduced a nexthop encoded as a VPN-IP address, and all VPN unicast SAFIs are 
following this. As RD does not make sense, zeroes are just added to fit the 
size of the address format. In reality, it is just an IP address with 0es 
padded before. Of course,  it would have been cleaner to use only a regular IP 
address instead of a VPN-IP address but again that’s our legacy. 


The fact that some implementations are matching length of NLRI with length of 
next hop no where should be made equal that next hop has 8 octet dummy Route 

[SLI] Again this is coming from legacy. 



If revision is to be made would be to explicitly negotiate capability to infer 
next hop encoding from the length. 

[SLI] Are you talking about a new capability or the existing ENH cap ? ENH 
tells you what is the NH AFI, so the only length check required is for the case 
of one or two IPv6 addresses. A new cap means a new solution, and that’s not 
the goal here. 



Point 2 - 


Addition of section 6.3 and SAFI 129 is fine, but again next hop encoding is 
lightly stating suboptimal. 




As we have discussed on and off line if revision is to be made let's make it 
both backwards compatible, Let's make it applicable to both IPv4 and IPv6 next 
hop addresses and let's allow explicit capability where implementations could 
indicate that it can recognize next hop value from its length. After all we are 
talking about just 4 discrete possible values here. 

[SLI] The goal is not to create something new here, but just to reflect how 
RFC5549 has been implemented for the SAFI 128/129 cases. The goal is also to 
minimize running code changes too (and even avoid !). We have to deal with what 
has been shipped and deployed by vendors today. We can still create something 
completely new, with a new cap and new procedures, but I think this is 
orthogonal to “aligning RFC5549 with implementations” as RFC5549 is there 
anyway and we can’t blindly forget it due to the codes that are available. 















On Wed, Nov 27, 2019 at 1:36 PM Bocci, Matthew (Nokia - GB) 
<matthew.bo...@nokia.com <mailto:matthew.bo...@nokia.com> > wrote:



This email begins a two-weeks WG adoption poll for 
draft-litkowski-bess-rfc5549revision-00 [1] .


Please review the draft and post any comments to the BESS working group list.


We are also polling for knowledge of any undisclosed IPR that applies to this 
Document, to ensure that IPR has been disclosed in compliance with IETF IPR 
rules (see RFCs 3979, 4879, 3669 and 5378 for more details).


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respond to this email and indicate whether or not you are aware of any relevant 
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Currently, there are no IPR disclosures against this document.


If you are not listed as an author or a contributor, then please explicitly 
respond only if you are aware of any IPR that has not yet been disclosed in 
conformance with IETF rules.


This poll for adoption closes on Wednesday 11th December 2019.  





[1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-litkowski-bess-rfc5549revision/




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