erland;494782 Wrote: 
> So what's your answer to the following questions ?
> - What does the Squeezebox devices do a lot better than competing
> products today ?
> - What features could be added to the Squeezebox devices to make them a
> lot better than the competing products ?

to answer what does it do better:

really the only reason i use SBS is b/c you have to, to use the
hardware, and i want to use the hardware, b/c of the audio quality.  i
don't use any sync features, but i plan to eventually.  i'm not sure
what else it does "better" than other products, let alone what i'd care

to answer my wants/beefs:

i want a low power SBS server, a piece of hardware, that integrates
well with the website.  i want logitech to push out the updates
[optionally] for it.  i'd like it to morph into a social networking type
site for music/video geeks, (think lastfm meets facebook).  i'd like SBS
and some clients to support video.  i'd like full dlna/upnp support. 
i'd like to offer me lost cost hosting of both SBS and my
music.  (you could upload your stuff to them and they would host it for
you, and even power your clients)

i'd like the webui to be a LOT better.  its navigation sucks.  it has
this powerful database behind it, powering it, and yet you can't have
but one master list at a time.  (i can't on the fly switch between
browsing artists and albumartists for instance).  i should be able to
toggle album art anywhere.  the webui is really outdated as a main
interface to begin with.  native SBS apps would be nice, (squeezeplay is
kind of a step in the right direction).  plugins for winamp or itunes or
whathave you to power the clients would also be good.

SBS profiles would be good, to support multiple users, libraries,
etc...  also, addinga "smartviews" feature like winamps would be good,
so you could create custom views (subsets) of your scanned stuff.  i'd
like them to include an automatic software feedback system, ie. error
reporting, stat reporting, pref logging, etc, so they can see what
errors people are getting, what prefs are used, basically how the app is
used, to help inform future development and fixes.  it would help the
problems i have on some net streams for instance, that SBS can't handle
as reliably as winamp can.

i'm kinda surprised by this post erland, considering your
disillusionment with their 3rd party developers.

sb2 & sbc (my home) / sbr (parent's home) - sbs 7.4.2b - win xp pro sp3
ie8 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz / 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 - d-link dir-655 -
35k mp3
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