maggior;495853 Wrote: 
> My fear about convergance is that you will see devices that do
> everything in a mediocre fashion rather than devices that do something
> really well.  These devices would be the hybrid bikes (road
> bike/mountain bike combo) of media streamers - yuk!
> Since the SB does audio really well, perhaps they could build upon that
> and add other capabilities without damaging the core audio capability. 
> That would at least keep their current user base happy.
> I wonder if the SB line can move from being niche devices without
> embracing convergance.  And can the SB line survive long-term as a niche
> device?
I think Logitech needs to make a choice:
1. Either be really good at the audio part
2. Or use the technology in the Squeezebox and mix it with some video
hardware and make generic streaming devices.

Alternative 1 isn't the mass market (at least I don't think so), but
alternative 2 is. The competition in alternative 2 is a lot harder then
in alternative 1, at least as far as I've seen.

If people can choose between a device that can do audio and a device
that can do audio+video and the price is similar, most people in the
mass market segment is going to select the device that can do both.

As mentioned earlier audio and video are completely different use
cases, still I'm pretty sure most people in the mass market segment
would prefer an all in one device. Kind of similar to why they prefer a
small stereo with built in CD player, amplifier or radio over a HiFi
system built on separate components.

People in the music lover segment, might realize that audio and video
is totally different before the purchase. These people will be
interested in a audio only device as long as it also gives a clear
advantage over a combined audio+video device, it's not enough to just
being able to play the music files, it got to enhance the experience
through great sound quality and music library control and managment.
People in this segment also want to have integration with other audio
related products. They want to easily bring the music outside in the
garden or on their portable player, they want to bring it in the car,
they want to easily be able to purchase new music and download or
rip+tag it.

<off topic>
Generally there is a problem with most video devices on the market,
they assume that you somehow has got a lot of video files and stored it
on a hard drive. It's very rare with video devices that takes care of
the purchase/download step to actually get the video to your hard drive
so it's accessible. I think AppleTV does this through its rental
services but unfortunately it doesn't work very good in Europe. Tivo
sounds pretty good, unfortunately no commercial actor has thought about
doing the same thing in Europe, here we have to rely on home built
MythTV systems to get similar functionality.
</off topic>


Erland Isaksson
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