Mnyb;654974 Wrote: 
> Hmm with normal SBS you can at least turn of auto scan and do it at your
> own leisure.
> or scan a file/album at the time via browse music folder. BMF is not
> scan free but only scans the selected file or folder .
As far as I know, it will still scan initially when you configure the
Music Folder, even if auto scan is disabled. 

As a side note, this is also the case with all the UPnP/DLNA servers
I've tried. So if the important thing is to avoid scanning, I'm not
sure UPnP/DLNA is the answer.

Mnyb;654974 Wrote: 
> if one knows the code and perl it should not be impossible to disable
> autoscan ? Afiak it is the same server ? With some stuff added and some
> things disabled.
Correct and it's definitely possible to disable the auto scanning by
patching the code, you probably also want to add some possibility to
manually trigger a scan if you do this. The reason it hasn't been done
yet is probably because everyone with the knowledge knows that even
without auto scanning the Touch hardware isn't good enough to handle a
full size library with TinySBS running, so it's not worth the effort. 

Ditching TinySBS and replacing it with a simple BMF server which could
be used when a friend brings a USB stick would probably be a better
option, but I don't think this use case is common enough to make it
interesting for Logitech or any of the third party developers.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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