>I think the problem is that people don't even know you can add files,
>though, so this wouldn't even make it discoverable.  What do our newer
>users think?

uh, was very obvious to me. don't even remember working it out, 
just started using it. but I didn't know about the file contents 
search thing.

My workflow (since it's workflow sharing day) is currently this:

1) new pdfs (they're virtually all pdfs) go into a folder which 
gets syncd to my palm for some reading in Documents To Go.

2) I skim them in DTG on the Palm, if interesting I then mark 
them for proper reading.

3) I read them in Acrobat Professional - my new toy - and 
highlight, add stickies etc. I note in Bibdesk whether I need to 
come back to them for the book I'm writing in the keywords.

4) once read and highlighted, save and move to an archive folder 
of unsorted PDFs. I give it the Bibtex name (davies04a) so I can 
find it easily later and add THAT location  in the Finder to 
bibdesk as a local URL. Annotations and abstracts also go into BibDesk.

I used to use Yojimbo but got the impression that it was not 
ideal for storing lots and lots of pdfs so moved to having them 
as Finder files.

Other abandoned workflows: Devonkthink (the entire range), 
Voodoopad (not ideal for archiving but a great product). And a 
very complex Filemaker database that never really worked.

currently I think it's working...

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