On 16 Nov 2007, at 4:23 PM, François Briatte wrote:

> Trivial request:
> Is the Command-R shortcut in use at the moment? I use "Reveal linked
> file" a lot and would feel that it could get a shortcut, Cmmd-R, as in
> other programs (such as iTunes).

The linked file actions will be deprecated soon. I'm not sure if it  
would be feasible to replace it with something else, as we will allow  
an arbitrary number of linked files.

> Web group default homepage:
> I have read in another thread about having a preference for this. It
> sounds minor indeed but perhaps it would increase user-friendliness.
>> From what I read the Web group function is hugely popular, and  
>> helping
> users by either including preset bookmarks or having a Home page
> setting (or both) could go further in this direction.

I've included some default bookmarks now for sites that are  
supported. But they won't turn up if you already have bookmarks.


> On 14/11/2007, Adam R. Maxwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Primary changes in the last week have been fixes for the web group  
>> and search bookmarks, as far as I recall.  Any problems with the  
>> last nightly build?  I'd like to get 1.3.12 out this week, so the  
>> new features are more usable.

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