This is good! Dave 

    On Thursday, May 3, 2018 8:46 PM, Darin via Bikies 
<> wrote:

I’m confused too. Can someone explain who proposed the amendment,why,and if not 
related to Madison yards, in what context?
Sent from my tin can.
On May 2, 2018, at 5:04 PM, Andy Bach via Bikies <> 

Mark Clear wrote (on Facebook)
"Whether bike lanes on this particular segment of Segoe are a good idea is a 
separate question from the Madison Yards project, and deserves its own review. 
It never came up in the year-plus review of the project. Segoe is not being 
altered by the project. One member of the Plan Commission added this condition 
at (literally) the last minute, before anyone had a chance to think it through. 

"Ald. Martin and I thought it best not to conflate the discussion of bike lanes 
on Segoe with the project itself, which is why we proposed removing the 
> If you want to see the full thread, it is available on the Madison Bikes 
> group here: groups/MBIIC/permalink/ 1454886877950634/
I guess I'm still not clear (<ahem>) what actually happened. It sounds like, 
from the FB discussion, that Ald. Martin didn't say what the paper has her 
“We wanted to take this [a city planningrequirement that the developer work 
with the city’s traffic engineering staff to ensure that sufficient 
right-of-way is dedicated along Segoe Road to include bicycle lanes] out 
because there are concerns about parking in the area and we know that having 
bike lanes would be a great idea, but we want to make sure we maximize the 
parking around the facility,” Martin said."

Ald. Clear makes it sound like somebody else added the amendment/condition and 
then mentions that this exemption panicked the developer and threatened their 
financing.  I could see an condition *requiring* more land be dedicated for 
bike lanes might "panic" a developer and so an amendment to exempt them might 
be soothing ... for the developer.

On Wed, May 2, 2018 at 4:41 PM, Robbie Webber <> wrote:

Please note that this is part of the Madison Yards development -- a private, 
mixed-use development that will go east of the new DOT building where the 
gigantic parking lot was located -- NOT the actual state buildings. 
Also, the dispute seems to be about Segoe, not Sheboygan, and in a Madison 
Bikes Facebook thread, we have been assured that things are not as they seem in 
the article. (I'm skeptical, but am reporting what other alders have said.) 
>From Mark Clear, who represents the district west of Arvina's. (Mark is a bike 
>commuter, as is his wife, so should be a good advocate, although I note he 
>voted against the protected bike lanes on Winnebago last night as well):
"I worked with Ald. Martin on this amendment. 

"Whether bike lanes on this particular segment of Segoe are a good idea is a 
separate question from the Madison Yards project, and deserves its own review. 
It never came up in the year-plus review of the project. Segoe is not being 
altered by the project. One member of the Plan Commission added this condition 
at (literally) the last minute, before anyone had a chance to think it through. 

"Ald. Martin and I thought it best not to conflate the discussion of bike lanes 
on Segoe with the project itself, which is why we proposed removing the 
If you want to see the full thread, it is available on the Madison Bikes group 
here: groups/MBIIC/permalink/ 1454886877950634/

Robbie WebberTransportation geek
All opinions are my own, and not necessarily those of any group or organization 
with which I am affiliated.
Founding member, Madison Bikes...where anyone can ride a bicycle conveniently 
and comfortably to any place year round.MadisonBikes.orgFollow Madison Bikes on 
On Wed, May 2, 2018 at 4:14 PM, Dave Minden via Bikies 
<> wrote:

Seems like this is an issue for Bikies and Bike Fed to really weigh in on: 
really, the building housing the DOT not making room for bikes?!?! We need the 
community commitment to infrastructure whenever there are new buildings, road 
work, etc. The neighborhood around Rennebohm Park is already compromised by 
Regent Street and Eau Claire Ave. being parked in since the DOT building's 
parking is now costs employees to park - so they've clogged the streets. 
Clogging Sheboygan and eliminating a well-used bike corridor is a mistake! Dave 

    On Wednesday, May 2, 2018 4:06 PM, Andy Bach via Bikies 
<> wrote: - Ald. Martin's email
This is from an article about actions at the Council last night, including the 
approval of a plan for the property next to the WisDOT building behind 
"Ald. Arvina Martin, District 11, proposed an amendment that would remove a 
requirement that the developer work with the city’s traffic engineering staff 
to ensure that sufficient right-of-way is dedicated along Segoe Road to include 
bicycle lanes
“We wanted to take this out because there are concerns about parking in the 
area and we know that having bike lanes would be a great idea, but we want to 
make sure we maximize the parking around the facility,” Martin said."
Apparently she's running for Sec. of State, now.


Andy Bach,
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