On Mon, 8 Aug 2005, Bob Van Zant wrote:
>An argument showing that at this point the most important thing for Binc 
>is to gain more corporate involvement would definitely sway me toward 
>advocating a BSD-style license (whereas now I'm just pointing out its 

I'm sorry Bob, but the BSD license gives us nothing. The GPL says that 
modified code can't be distributed in binary form without also shipping 
the code, which strongly emphasizes that modifications are made public. 
The BSD license is just "here, take it and use it as you like, I don't 
care, just put my name in a comment somewhere". The only reason anyone 
contributes to BSD licensed projects with their in-house developed 
extensions is because they're nice guys. ;-).

The GPL does not define distribution. It also does not cover linking, or 
C/C++ headers/prototypes with inlined code. It doesn't even cover 
interpreting, or JIT compilation, or any of these things that are becoming 
very common today. More importantly, it does not define plugins or 
extensions. It's all GPL, and then it's all GPL. Discussions are going on 
the web about whether non-GPL licensed Java bytecode compiled classes can 
be used when writing GPL code. Or whether MySQL's GPL plugin API can be 
used to write closed source database handles. Can I write a backend for 
Binc IMAP and keep it closed? If you change Binc's sources, _no_. Not if 
you distribute it.

The vagueness of the term "distribution" is terrible. If a consultant 
writes an extension to Binc IMAP for a 20000 employee company operating in 
20 countries, and this server is copied in binary form and sold to all its 
divisions, you could still say it's not distribution because it's inside 
the same company.

My point, for Binc IMAP, is that the GPL does not allow companies to write 
backends for the server and distribute that backend (or the whole modified 
product) in binary form, and that's regardless of how well defined our API 
is. And I'd like for them to be able to do that.

Andy :-)

PS: This is why GTK and KDElibs are LGPL, and why Qt is GPL with an 
exception that allows linking against other libraries. Believe me, if 
these libs could have been pure-GPL licensed then they probably would have 

Andreas Aardal Hanssen   | http://www.andreas.hanssen.name/gpg
Author of Binc IMAP      |  "It is better not to do something
http://www.bincimap.org/ |        than to do it poorly."

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