On Tue, Aug 09, 2005 at 10:21:15PM +0200, Andreas Aardal Hanssen wrote:
> My point, for Binc IMAP, is that the GPL does not allow companies
> to write backends for the server and distribute that backend (or
> the whole modified product) in binary form, and that's regardless
> of how well defined our API is. And I'd like for them to be able to
> do that.

OpenSC (OpenSSL, Linux, ...) solves this with dynamic libraries that
export a predefined set of functions. That way Binc is distributed
as-is, without modifications. And a .so library can still be loaded
to get added functionality.

> PS: This is why GTK and KDElibs are LGPL, and why Qt is GPL with an
> exception that allows linking against other libraries. Believe me,
> if these libs could have been pure-GPL licensed then they probably
> would have been.

One big difference between all of those libraries and Binc is that the
libs are just that, libraries, and Binc is a complete product.
Technically that doesn't stop Binc from being LGPL:ed, but I think it
feels a little backwards..


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