I've only been using blackbox for a few months, but it is certainly my 
favorite WM in the more than two years I've been using Linux. My only beef 
with it so far is the slit... and not so much how it looks or works, but how 
programs are loaded into it.

I've searched through the archives, and seen the hacks people have done to 
get dockapps, bbtools, and whatnot to load in a specified order, and to date 
I have been unable to get 100% compliance on my machine. About 1 in 4 times 
or more, the apps I load into it come in a randy order.

I saw somewhere, when I was first trying out blackbox, a little application 
somebody had written to insure that apps came in in the appropriate order... 
but since I didn't know what that meant at the time, I ignored it and 
promptly lost the URL. 

I've tried hacks like:
  bbrun &
  sleep 1 && bbpager &
  sleep 1 && wmusic &
etc., but these are not consistent.

Any _other_ ideas anyone?


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