On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 12:16:20PM -0400, alex lupu wrote:
> > Bruce commented, based on
> >> Alex's words:
> >> IRONICALLY, the one and only problem that could possibly be ascribed to
> >> working "in place" is _exactly_ (and coincidentally) the one described
> >> in the (original) subject of this thread.
> > I don't know where anyone said that you shouldn't update packages in
> > place.  Except for glibc, I've been doing it when required for years.
> In the reply to my OP on this thread, Ken wrote:
> "And at the risk of boring people, and attracting scorn from those
> who *do* update glibc versions in-place, I repeat that the only
> recommended way to update glibc versions on LFS is to make a new
> build on a different partition."
 Maybe other people take a different approach to LFS, but I tend to
build new development versions a *lot*, just to keep an eye on what
is happening.  Last year I took my eye off the ball before 6.8 to do
other things.  By the time I came back, 7.0 was out and I've
contributed a lot of time in getting various BLFS things fixed - not
that I fixed them all, just that I spent a lot of time reviewing and
testing.  Now I'm back to building a new system every month or two,
just to find what (if anything) has broken in the meantime.

 So, taking the simple approach (building a new version of current
LFS) holds no terrors for me, and all my systems have partitions I
can use to do this.

 In the LFS packages, on my *old* (strictly, it was cross-lfs - LFS
didn't handle x86_64 when I built it) server I think I had to upgrade
gcc to try to build newer kernels - in that case, I just did the
pass-1 binutils and gcc in /opt/kgcc.  I've also had to upgrade udev
in the distant past after some vulnerabilities came to light.

 Beyond that, and rebuilding perl for a vulnerability fix, I don't
think I've upgraded LFS packages on existing systems for many years:
in general, the improvements from newer non-toolchain packages are
minimal, and I prefer older toolchains (they are usually faster).
Of course, if I'd still been using hjl binutils on x86, I would have
to upgrade his recent binutils to be able to build 3.4 kernels.  So,
your needs might be different from mine.

 BLFS is different - many upgrades to desktop packages on *all* the
old systems I label as "I might want to still use this".  Not so
many of those systems now I've upgraded my hardware :)  Mostly,
upgrades are without problems (anything using gecko used to be an
aggravation, because of the need to rebuild it when firefox was
updated, but now I only have firefox itself in that category).

 OTOH, some things *have* caused me problems in upgrades - libxml2
comes to mind (in 2.6 days), most recently a problem in other apps
using it, fixed by adding a patch from fedora to reinstate library

 Summary: whatever we do, things *will* break from time to time.

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