On 06/15/2012 07:18 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Armin K. wrote:
>> Yeah, you can break it if you just overwrite it while running. But not
>> if done correctly or from other system while LFS is not running. Correct
>> way is to remove old and install new one while old one still remains in
>> memory to avoid "text file busy" errors. That requires using destdir
>> method tough. I never had problems with that one or anything else. Ya
>> need to experiment more ... Not just to accept what someone says. If
>> something bad happened in the past, then probably it is fixed in
>> present. Just look at distros, they upgrade C library while system is
>> running - that's probably first method - remove old while it is still in
>> memory.
> My thought has always been that it can be done, but it's tricky and has
> the potential to hose your system if not done right.
> I'm glad you know how to do the upgrade, but I wouldn't feel right in
> making it a general recommendation.  I've upgraded the kernel and gcc in
> place before and wouldn't have a lot of problems with a binutils upgrade
> in place (never had the need).  However glibc touches everything.  The
> more of an upgrade, the more hesitant I am.
>     -- Bruce

Well, in general there should be no problems if carefully upgrading 
glibc one version up (2.13 -> 2.14 in my case), but yeah, it is a bit 
difficult when running system. Most safest method is with /tools 
toolchain if it is still kept, other than that, DESTDIR (install_root 
for glibc) method is most safest one ... I just tried replacing shared 
libraries but ended up with kernel panic since systemd was using 
libpthread when it got overwritten and it segfaulted when upgraded in 
place (and kernel paniced with "attempted to kill init" or something 
like that) ... In that case, just keep dynamic loader (original and 
symlink) and remove other libraries and while in directory where glibc 
was installed to, just copy everything with LD_LIBRARY_PATH pointing to 
that dir (since nothing segfaults or panics when dynamic loader gets 
overwritten) ... Bit tricky, but possible - and yet still everything 
works (I don't know if I should be proud or scared as hell). I used 
patches from LFS 7.1. Now my distro is LFS 7.1! (it was before in 
everything but glibc - since I built 7.1 in first place but used glibc 
2.13 instead of 2.14.1)
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