On 06/15/2012 04:54 PM, Armin K. wrote:
> On 06/15/2012 04:38 PM, Andrew Benton wrote:
>> On Fri, 15 Jun 2012 13:12:11 +0100
>> "Armin K."<kre...@email.com>   wrote:
>>> On 06/14/2012 03:42 AM, Ken Moffat wrote:
>>>>     In either case, it doesn't match any version of the book (old glibc
>>>> and make, very recent gcc and binutils), so I assume you have
>>>> updated some packages but not others ?  Doing that is fine, but if
>>>> it breaks you can get unusual problems, perhaps this is one of them.
>>>>     And at the risk of boring people, and attracting scorn from those
>>>> who *do* update glibc versions in-place, I repeat that the only
>>>> recommended way to update glibc versions on LFS is to make a new
>>>> build on a different partition.
>>> Who recommended that? Did upstream do it? I don't recall having any bad
>>> failures with that one.
>> That' because you are new here.
> Yeah, that's probably why I am always wrong and others are right.
>>> LFS tends to scare people of upgrading stuff.
>> Your distro, your rules
>>> Same for Linux API Headers. No one said that your system will explode if
>>> you upgrade API headers from 3.2.1 to 3.2.12 for example, those are just
>>> headers ... Same for glibc. Glibc claims to be backwards-compatible, but
>>> not forward compatible. Programs compiled on 2.13 can run on 2.15 very
>>> well (well, there has been recent RPC stuff change, but that means that
>>> only some and not ALL apps need to be recompiled after upgrade in order
>>> to link with libtirpc to use these functions). Also, that's how binary
>>> programs work. Binary program was compiled on, eg glibc2.3 or such, but
>>> still runs on glibc 2.15.
>> Installing a new Glibc over the currently installed Glibc risks
>> breaking programs in strange and unpredictable ways. The ones to worry
>> about are Gcc and Binutils. You may end up unable to compile and have
>> to start again booting from a live CD.
>> Andy
> Yeah, you can break it if you just overwrite it while running. But not
> if done correctly or from other system while LFS is not running. Correct
> way is to remove old and install new one while old one still remains in
> memory to avoid "text file busy" errors. That requires using destdir
> method tough. I never had problems with that one or anything else. Ya
> need to experiment more ... Not just to accept what someone says. If
> something bad happened in the past, then probably it is fixed in
> present. Just look at distros, they upgrade C library while system is
> running - that's probably first method - remove old while it is still in
> memory.

Alright, small correction on this one. I've just done upgrade from 2.13 
to 2.14.1 and had some issues. Do not remove dynamic loader 
/lib/ld-linux.so.2 symlink and original file. But before that, cd to 
DESTDIR and use LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib with rm and cp and/or install 
utilities or use ones from /tools untill sucessfuly overwritten shared 
libs. Then just proceed to everything else. I am currently running all 
programs I had (hundreds of programs and libraries compiled against 
glibc 2.13) and nothing seems to crash yet, not even skype, thunderbird, 
amsn, firefox, google-chrome, xchat, whole gnome, gdm and system utilities.
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