> Bruce commented, based on

>> Alex's words:
>> IRONICALLY, the one and only problem that could possibly be ascribed to
>> working "in place" is _exactly_ (and coincidentally) the one described
>> in the (original) subject of this thread.

> I don't know where anyone said that you shouldn't update packages in
> place.  Except for glibc, I've been doing it when required for years.

In the reply to my OP on this thread, Ken wrote:

"And at the risk of boring people, and attracting scorn from those
who *do* update glibc versions in-place, I repeat that the only
recommended way to update glibc versions on LFS is to make a new
build on a different partition."

This is not the first time I hear the "no-no in place" recommendation
on this site.  It may have been always only when talking about glibc
- I'm not sure.  If always about _glibc_ only, I sincerely apologize.

In an any case, I for one, never ever made any particular distinction
among packages in this respect.  Speaking of glibc, my records of upgrades
from whatever I started with in 2005 (and maybe later) show at least,
 2009-07-22 glibc-2.10.1
 2011-12-30 glibc-2.14.1
and now happily at 2.15.

All I can say, I never knew I had been playing with fire all this time,
while I posted successfully (?) on whatever glibc du-jour I was on.
Uff da.  Another reminder that ignorance is bliss.

I made my case that the problem on upgrading to glibc was, in my opinion,
caused by a careless GCC mistake on my part, easily fixed, the machine was
healthy and stable before, during (including the make failure) and after.

OTOH, I did submit my glibc story to "in place" public scrutiny, and I think
I'm man enough (?) to accept the resulting opprobrium now.

> As for updating gcc, the better instructions for gcc are in BLFS, not LFS.

In my thread,
"gcc-4.5.1 (BLFS) vs. gcc-4.7.0 (LFS)"
where I (at 4.5.1) was wondering why in order to upgrade to 4.7.0
BLFS was so much behind, I got this answer from Andy:

"I think the version of GCC in BLFS is neglected because none of the
current editors use any of those compilers. I just need a C and C++
compiler so the GCC installed in LFS is fine for me.

If I were you I'd install GCC-4.7 with the configure switches from
chapter 6 of current LFS."


> BTW, this entire thread should be in LFS support, not BLFS support.

If the Majordomo of this site needs my opinion/approval to move the
thread to LFS, here it is:
 100% yes.

FWIW, my choice was based on a couple of criteria:
- I consider myself a full BLFS guy now (with just an LFS pedigree
and interest).
- The subject I was dealing with seemed to me a little too heavy
for the average LFS reader.

-- Alex
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