On 03/01/2003 at 22:58 -0500, Peter R. Wood wrote:

The general sequence of events was: Apple releases original Sherlock;
Actually, the original Sherlock was version 1 for Mac OS 8.5, which was a slightly beefed up (and genuinely usable) version of the old Find File app. Then OS 9 (*) introduced Sherlock 2, which was utterly useless as far as I was concerned, as it put things that never should have been there in the application, and made its primary purpose (finding local files) a pain to use.

Thankfully, in OS 9 you could use Sherlock 1 as a front end to the newer Find By Content libraries. Sadly, in OS X Sherlock 2 was the only game in town, which is another of the many reasons I never got on with OS X before Jaguar. Sensibly 10.2 seperates back out the local file searching, so I never have to touch either Sherlock or Watson; both so US-centric to be irrelevant to the other 95% of the world's population.

:: paul
:: we're like crystal
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