* Mikey Smelto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [03-03-17 15:59]:
> "I stopped caring about perl 6 because I use a computer to accomplish 
> tasks, not to accomplish using the computer."

Giddy with having just filed my taxes, I'd like to add a little something 
to this worried discussion about Perl 6 and the Dreaded Second System 

Do you trust Larry and Damain? 

There's lots of hard evidence to suggest that these guys 'n' gals 
(and the rest of the Perl 6 Simpaticos) will Do The Right Thing. I've 
read the Apocalypses and skimed the Exegeseseseses (or something), but 
I regard these documents as poetry of a more technical bent. In others, 
something very close to fiction. 

The time to worry is when the *code* for Perl 6 ships. 

If Perl 6 becomes Java with dollar signs, then I suspect it will fail.
It won't be the end of the world if Perl 6 becomes tomorrow's Ada, 
because then we know what *not* to do for Perl 7. As the N.A.N.D.O.R. 
pointed out, no one is erasing Perl 5 from your non-volitile storage devices. 
Observe that the Linux Router Project has a package for Perl 4!

Morbidly, I want to close by noting that "language-specific" communities 
grow and shrink like living organisms (not too surprising given their 
composition). Is this the twilight of Perl? Who can say so with authority?
I'm still making money with Perl. Perl still pulls my butt out of the fire
every day. However, if the day comes that I can't do what I need to with Perl,
there will be other tools available. 

I rather wish this entire Boston.pm thread had been devoted to the 
last episdoe of Farscape showing this Friday on SciFi. Farscape's 
untimely cancellation is indeed worthy of lamentation and tears.
Perl 6 will be fine. Just fine. ;-)

Joe Johnston -- http://taskboy.com
Software Consultant: Web - Database - Perl 
"...our power is in argument and persuasion." --Chinua Achebe
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