Dear Dan,

Be of good cheer. If you build it, they will come.

> been about as good for my ego as, say, swimsuit
> modelling would be. 

Most everyone would agree we'd rather see Dan (or Damian or even Larry)
in a swimsuit than Uri (unless there is a bullseye near the bench he's
preched on; how much for 3 pitches?).

> Unless Larry or Damian are closet masochists, I
> expect it's been about as much of an ego stroke for them, too.

"They say? What say they? Let them say." -- Olde Scots motto.
The ubuiquitous "they" said Perl 5 would fail too. 

The stream of critiquies of the Apocalypse before the Exegisis is
amusing. Folks who have no use for academic featuers are engaging in
academic masturbation buy criticising the design documents. The
Apocalypsos are the design spec for the implementors, the Exegesexen are
the preview of the 6-legged Camel books for the rest of us.  Lighten up
guys, let's see what Damian makes of it.

If Perl 6 will run my Perl5 scripts faster with no change (or a simple
conversions), will I switch? In a minute.  Will I adopt the new
features? Some of them quickly, some more slowly ... same as Perl 5.

  == Bill
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  / n1vux
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