At 18:25 04-10-2002 -0500, Adam Lipscomb wrote:

> > >I'm not asking for an L3 post - just a simple explanation as to why
> > >you insist your position is the correct one.
> >
> > I have already explained that a few times now. I see no reason to keep
> > repeating myself.
>And the "reasoning" you give is incorrect, inane and illogical.  Your
>claims as to the meaning of the term were refuted with definitions from
>the Merriam-Webster dictionary, as well as the Encyclopedia Britannica
>and, ultimately, the Oxford English Dictionary.

I could write my own reply to that, but William Goodall already wrote 
something that qualifies as an excellent response to what you are saying, 
so I will just quote it here:

>Dictionaries are descriptive rather than prescriptive: that is they describe
>how words *are* used not how words *ought* to be used. Additionally they are
>inclusive rather than exclusive: if a usage is in a dictionary that means
>that some people have used the word that way, but if a usage is not in a
>dictionary that does not mean that the word has not been used that way by
>some people.

>You replied that the OED was wrong,

Hm, looks like someone is intercepting my messages, rewriting them, and 
then sending them on to you. I did an search on "OED" and "wrong" on my 
messages, but in none of them did I reply that the OED is wrong.

>yet refuse to explain *why* you insist that your knowledge of proper
>usage of the English language is correct over the internationally
>recognized authority.

First you say that my explanation is "incorrect, inane and illogical", and 
then you go on to say that I refuse to give an explanation. How can an 
explanation be "incorrect, inane and illogical" if I never gave an 
explanation? English may not be my first language, but I do recognise a 
contradiction when I see one...

IIRC, what you just did is known in English as "painting yourself into a 
corner".   :-)

Anyway, I have already explained several times why I think my 
interpretation is correct.

Now, this might be a shocking new concept to some people, but have you ever 
considered the possibility that both interpretations might actually *both* 
be valid? As William pointed out, the fact that a meaning of a word is not 
in a dictionary does not mean that the meaning is not used.

Jeroen "Likud Delenda Est" van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:         


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