At 11:00 05-10-2002 -0500, Adam Lipscomb wrote:

>Nothing you said directly contradicts my point - the reason we're
>spending so much time discussing the meaning of the term "anti-Semite"
>is in large part due to accusations leveled against your husband.  He
>has taken refuge in a carefully constructed house of cards, claiming
>that he is not an "anti-Semite" because he does not hate Arabs.

That is not entirely correct. I have been accused of anti-Semitism (in the 
meaning of "hatred of Jews") several times on this list, but those attacks 
have consistently been countered with the statement that I am not 
anti-Semitic because I do not hate Jews.

My other argument is that someone who sides with the Arabs cannot be 
anti-Semitic (in the meaning of "hater of Semites") because Arabs are 
Semites too.

If you are going to mention my claims, at least do a little research to get 
them right.

Jeroen "And now, back to studying" van Baardwijk

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