Richard Baker wrote:
> Jim said:
> > In regards to atheists being "agreeable," I am afraid I've found my
> > experiences with them to be far less so.
> I suppose this might be a selection effect - the obnoxious ones are more
> readily visible as atheists than the more pleasant ones. The same isn't
> quite true of religious people, because religions tend to make people
> who believe more strongly become more visibly religious, whether
> they're obnoxious or pleasant.
> Rich, who further supposes that he's one of the obnoxious atheists...

You're not obnoxious on-line.  (I consider militant atheists to be
obnoxious; you're not militant enough to be obnoxious.  I consider
militant *anything* to be obnoxious, so please don't think I'm picking
on atheists.  Militant agnostics are a little more bearable than any
other sort of militant religionists.)  

I have no idea as to what you're like in person, so I can't make any
sort of judgement call there.


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