Robert Seeberger wrote:
From: "Jim Sharkey"
>>Pardon my ignorance, but who is Samuel Poist, and why do you think 
>>he speaks for all conservatives?
>I would never accuse Gautam or JDG of following this crowd, but I 
>think Gautam and JDG are in the minority in this regard.

I would agree with that.  I was going to ask that very question.  JDG is very much a 
Christian Conservative, but I don't imagine he views the Big Bang as screed.  I'd be 
interested in hearing his opinion.

>>A little background would certainly clear some things up, thanks!>If you can listen 
>to talkradio during the day, listening 
>to would make my rant a bit 
>clearer in the long term.

I'll try to do that some time, thanks.

>>Is it completely wrong to point out that scientists can't prove 
>>the Big Bang?
>I think the lack of an alternate explanation with credible evidence 
>to back it up is telling.  I'm not an athiest, though I find them 

You and Adam make some fair points in that regard.  I was more speaking from a 
philosophical standpoint than from one of having back up for your claims.  While you 
both point out some interesting evidence, it doesn't amount to proof at this point.

In regards to atheists being "agreeable," I am afraid I've found my experiences with 
them to be far less so.  And perhaps it's a reaction to that.  For every one like 
Jeroen who merely allows his atheism to be just one part of his whole, I've 
encountered several that act as if it not only defines them, but also grant them an 
intelligence tenfold beyond their peers.  That attitude could certainly, IMO, make 
folks like Mr. Poist posit reactionary rhetoric like the item you pointed out.  Not 
that they're not probably already inclined to do so, of course.

>So no, I dont think that is a fair question. Its like coming home 
>after a hard day at work and having your wife claim you did nothing 
>all day.

Interesting analogy.  Especially given your background.  I suppose you might take his 
position a little personally.  :)

However, my wife might argue that holding down the fort all day with three children 
under age seven is at least equally difficult as working all day.  :-)  (A discussion 
for another thread, I'm sure.)


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