Deborah Harrell wrote:

Yet we live in a marvelous world, with such a variety
of living things: snow algae! tube worms at volcanic
vents in the bottom of the sea! terns that migrate
practically Pole-to-Pole! wildebeasts in their
herds-of-thousands! and us...the singing apes. All
of us made out of stardust. Frickin' *amazing*...

I could have written almost everything you did in the above post, less the references to the divine.

For myself it is not necessary to attach spirituality or numinous experiences to the notion of a god.

Debbi If I Claim To Be A Heretic Lutheran Deist, Will You Call Me A Witch? Maru ;)

Hell, I have no idea what I'd call myself so who am I to criticize?



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